going to the slaughter, have been probably lost from God!
And now Garner Ted has incorporated himself with his wife and
his brother-in-law--and this GARNER TED ARMSTRONG CHURCH has now
started a campaign to draw away both whatever sheep and shepherds
he can now entice to follow him--to follow a man instead of the
Living God!
I say to you, ministers and brethren, Christ is on GOD'S THRONE.
He did build His Church! No MAN built the Worldwide Church of God
of today--and Jesus Christ promised that the gates of the grave
shall never prevail against it! Human MEN, with selfish motives,
may try to start a church after a MAN! But it is those in the true
CHURCH OF GOD that shall inherit, IN GLORY, the soon-coming KINGDOM
Satan is the real source of human nature. It is ever the same!
In the days of King David, whom God had selected as king, two of his
sons, one at a time, attempted to take over the throne, and make
themselves king, Absalom and Adonijah. But GOD PROTECTED His
people of that day, and David, whom HE had chosen!
God called MOSES to lead His people, long before David. Once
Moses' brother Aaron and sister Miriam, challenged Moses' leadership.
They claimed equal right to lead. God sternly rebuked them!
"Wherefore," said God, "were ye NOT AFRAID to speak against my
servant Moses?" "And the anger of the Eternal was kindled against
them" (Numbers 12:1-9). Miriam was seized with leprosy, for seven
But, have we become so detached from God in His Church today,
that we think perhaps God has CHANGED?--are we today NOT AFRAID to
speak against God's anointed?
Then of another time Korah gathered a group against Moses'
leadership. Again God was stirred to ANGER! Korah and those with
him were simply swallowed up by the earth!
I simply plead with you, ministers and brethren, HELP ME as
I put myself in GOD'S HANDS, to follow Christ in His Church--that
we may carry on following Christ (not a man) in once again ENTHRONING
With deep love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong