Sign Language will be present at both Seattle, Washington
and at Norfolk, Virginia. There will be interpreting of
services, captioned movies, and other activities. For
additional information, write to Educational Services for
the Handicapped in Pasadena.
Here's what you need to do to make this the best Feast ever!
First, be sure to plan carefully, and after you have considered all
aspects of your Festival plans, send in the forms soon.
Secondly, please do not make your "own arrangements" at ANY site;
but cooperate with the Festival Office by letting them know of any
problems or inconsistencies you encounter. If we are not using an
establishment you think we could, give your Festival Adviser the
necessary details!
Remember, there will be many hundreds who cannot attend the Feast
without help! If you have any extra Festival Tithe you can send in
now to help others--it will be a tremendous blessing for hundreds of
your poorer brethren, particularly many widows with children, who
could not otherwise attend. HELP these people by being generous, if
you can!
Also, while I'm on the subject, please send in your "tithe of
the tithe" as soon as possible! Remember, your Festival Tithe is FOR
YOU! We are to spend it on the "booths" or temporary dwelling places
during God's Festivals--and on food and drink and the things that
make the Feast so enjoyable! But we must also rent, collectively,
many large auditoriums, all over the world! We should not have to
take FIRST COMMISSION MONEY out of the Work, to spend on these
Festival costs! Many years ago, God inspired us to see that it would be
no major inconvenience on God's people if they sent in a "tithe" or
ten percent of their Festival Tithe, to defray these large costs! It
has been an excellent system, God has blessed it, and His people as
a result! Please send in your "tithe of the tithe" as soon as you
are able--the Festival Office is already in the process of paying out
checks for down payments, rentals, and the like, as well as the
required maintenance and payments for our own Church-owned sites
in Big Sandy, Lake of the Ozarks, Wisconsin Dells and Mt. Pocono
(though damaged, it still requires maintenance).
The Feast is a great highlight of the year--and this year, we
will have the opportunity of being in FIVE BRAND NEW FESTIVAL SITES!
These include SEATTLE, Washington; FRESNO, California; SARATOGA SPRINGS,
New York; NORFOLK, Virginia, and SAVANNAH, Georgia!
This means five new areas, including BIG CITIES, will be seeing
the examples of the brethren of the Worldwide Church of God for the
first time! Brethren, in the past, we have compiled a tremendous
record of the finest kind among the people in the areas where we have
observed the Feast.
When we bring some six to ten thousand brethren into an area for
eight whole days, the impact on the region is unprecendented! Our
Festival Office officials have, of course, already met, and spent many
hours with city officials, convention bureau managers, and leaders in
the motel, hotel and restaurant associations, Presidents of the local