President and Pastor
May 21, 1978
Dear Co-Workers and Brethren in Christ,
God's great Work--to the whole world--is, truly, going ahead
now as never before, with A NEW START!
Soon you will hear NEW PROGRAMS from me, on both radio and
television. Just as Moses, the man of God, had not abated in his
strength of mind and spirit, in leading the children of Israel out
of Egyptian bondage into the Promised Land, after 80 years of age,
so the SAME GOD has sustained my mind, energy and power for the
completion of His Work in this world.
On July 4th there will be a big "4th of July Celebration" in
Jerusalem, hosted jointly by the Mayor of Jerusalem, Mr. Teddy
Kollek, and myself. The city of Philadelphia had an exact
duplicate made of the Liberty Bell--crack and all--and gave it to
the city of Jerusalem. In the spring of 1976--Passover time--the
mayor came to me privately, and asked my help in building an
important downtown park in Jerusalem, to be named the "LIBERTY
BELL PARK." Through the AICF, I was able to agree to supply the
children's playground area, at the very opening of the park. The
park is now completed, and Mayor Kollek has asked me to be present
on July 4th for the opening and dedication of the Liberty Bell Park.
July 8th, I am scheduled to co-host an important premier of a
charity motion picture to raise funds for the handicapped children
in Britain. Queen Elizabeth II has promised to co-host this premier
and banquet--and in the event she is unable to be present, either
Prince Charles (the next King) or Prince Philip will be there.
In early August, I am again to go to Japan--and perhaps other
points in the Far East. Other campaigns in world capitals are now
being planned--as before my heart failure and illness. December 1st,
the Israeli government is planning a celebration in my honor--on the
10th anniversary of the beginning of our participation in the great
archeological excavation, starting southward from the Temple Mount.
This date will mark the beginning of the second decade of this major
project--now starting further south, in the area of the ancient City
of David, to uncover 2,500 years of accumulated debris (some 50 feet
high) over the ancient palace and THRONE of King David. The AICF
is following through on this--preparing the very SITE of the THRONE
on which Christ will sit at His coming. This is just one of the
ways in which we are preparing the way for His coming and
establishment of the KINGDOM OF GOD, ushering in WORLD PEACE.
Now in regard to the recent shifts I have been compelled to make
in the administration of God's Work, I will simply quote in full a