institution---the planning of curriculum, arranging of classes and
class-rooms, hours, subjects,---a thousand and one things. And our
standards will be HIGH. A school based on GOD'S true foundation,
educating students in the RIGHT direction instead of the wrong
direction as worldly colleges do, should not have a lower standard
of efficiency or thoroughness than the schools of this world! No,
rather, I am determined it shall be HIGHER!
These two new projects---the enlarged DOUBLE-size more
attractive PLAIN TRUTH coming out every month---the opening and
conducting of the new college, will add from $4,000 to $5,000 per
month to the expenses of conducting this very great and growing
work. Then, with the greatly-increased rates being charged us this
year for radio time, means that the cost of conducting this work
will now run just about DOUBLE the expenses of this past year.
Yet, a year ago I launched out on faith, when God showed me plainly
it was right, and His will to do so, and assumed obligations to
TRIPLE the cost of the work over the year before that. God did not
let us down. More and more of you dear Co-Workers responded, and
month-by-month the increased expenses were met---and six to ten
times as many people were reached by the Message! I know God won't
let us down his year. I waited, before going ahead with these
commitments, until I was SURE it was right---SURE it was God's
will, and that His hand was in it! Then I acted without delay or
hesitation, on faith.
I merely remind you that we are starting, new, on the
month of the biggest test-of-faith we have ever faced. I intend to
do MY PART, with my whole heart and with all my energies. And I
know you will do YOUR part, too. I don't know your personal
circumstances. God doesn't expect any to give into His work what
they do not have, or are unable to give, but according as He has
prospered them. But if you are one who is able, I know you'll
double or triple your offerings for His work, from now. And I ask
you, urgently, PLEASE double or triple the amount, earnestness, and
faith of your prayers for me and for this work from now on. THAT,
I know you can do, and PLEASE don't fail me or God in doing that.
This is a great thing we are undertaking. But it isn't
too much. I am NOT "biting off more than I can chew," as some
might express it. As the work grows, God raises up others to join
me in sharing the responsibility. This great increased undertaking
can, must, and SHALL be carried on successfully.
GOD BLESS YOU, dear friend, for YOUR PART!
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong