Analyses Today's News, with the
The P L A I N T R U T H
Magazine of Understanding
January 9, 1947
Dear Friend and Co-Worker:
GREETINGS! and again THANK YOU, for your continued
interest, faithfulness, and help, as expressed in the offering
(or tithe) which I gratefully acknowledge.
I'm sure you'll rejoice with me and our staff here at the
great leaps this work is taking toward greater, widened, more
powerful service in fulfillment of the Great Commission, and the
special call, to which we have been definitely called in this
special and tremendously-important mission in these very end-days
of this age.
Up to now, we have had to face two serious handicaps.
Two important, necessary things were lacking in this great work.
One, we have been unable to publish The PLAIN TRUTH as often as we
knew it ought to come out, and due to paper shortages and war-time
conditions we have had to hold it to a thin eight pages. This has
troubled me much. Hundreds and hundreds of letters from listeners
and enthusiastic PLAIN TRUTH readers have shown me how important it
is that we be enabled to cover more ground in each number, by
having more pages for more articles, and also that we be in
position to issue it regularly and more often. It is really as
important a phase of this work as the broadcasts. I know the
tremendous amount of good that will be done by the new, attractive,
twice-as-large PLAIN TRUTH now to be issued regularly EVERY MONTH!
It's just about the thrill of a life-time to me to realize this is
at last possible. I know it will thrill you, too, and you'll share
our gratitude it has been made possible.
Then second, it has become increasingly more imperative
that this vast rapidly-expanding work have a personal follow-up.
Hundreds are being converted by the broadcasts---their lives
CHANGED from what they have made of them into what God purposes
to make of them. But many of them need personal help. Many have
personal questions that are not answered in the broadcasts or
articles, and that I personally have not had time to answer, even
by mail. The need of able, trained, experienced, called men---
called and chosen by God and guided by His Spirit---to go out and
visit personally these hundreds of newly-converted all over the
nation, has become more and more imperative. Souls are at stake.
I have tried to find men for this need---some have urged themselves
on us for it---a few have tried out, to our sorrow. But always I
have been disillusioned, disappointed. I have come to see that we
shall simply have to train and educate men for this purpose. Yet
we cannot tell which, for instance, of thirty or a hundred