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Now let us turn to the book of Revelation.
Chapter one gives the opening salutation and the introduction,
giving the real SUBJECT of which the book is concerned. It is in
verse 10: "I was in the spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind
me a great voice, as of a trumpet."
In the opening salutation we find that it is NOT the
of John at all, but the revelation of Jesus Christ. He is the
Revelator--who does the REVEALING of what otherwise is
non-understandable. The Apostle John was merely the WRITER,
who recorded (1) the WORD OF GOD, (2) the testimony--direct words
of--Jesus Christ, and (3) all the things that he SAW in VISION.
In this vision, he was taken from the Isle of Patmos, where he
actually was as he wrote, into THE DAY OF THE LORD--a special
period of TIME here called the "LORD'S DAY."
The DAY OF THE LORD is the time when GOD supernaturally shall
INTERVENE in this world's affairs, the beginning of His TAKING
OVER all its governments, societies, production, commerce. We have
had 6,000 years of the DAY OF MAN. Now we shall soon have 1,000
years of the DAY OF GOD.
Chapters 2 and 3 are messages direct from Jesus, in heaven,
sent to the angels (which, some believe means to the chief human
leaders of the SEVEN CHURCHES). Chapter 4 describes a vision of
God's Throne in heaven. Chapter 5 shows God on His Throne, with
a BOOK in His right hand--again, a SCROLL, written on both sides,
and rolled up and SEALED with SEVEN SEALS. No one in heaven or
earth was able to open the seals, and REVEAL what was therein
written. Then appeared one as a slain, resurrected Lamb, standing
in front of the throne, and HE alone was worthy to open the seals
and REVEAL the meaning of the book. He stepped forward and took
the book from the right hand of God.
The sixth chapter shows the opening of the first SIX of the
seals. The seven seals cover the ENTIRE BOOK. The sixth seal, in
time sequence, brings us down to the DAY OF THE LORD, with
terrifying SIGNS in the sun, moon and stars.
The seventh chapter begins with four angels poised to let
go the blowing of the first four TRUMPETS of the seven TRUMPET
PLAGUES, which are, and constitute (that is, all seven trumpet
plagues) the seventh SEAL.
Then another angel appears crying out to the four angels to
HOLD UP the blowing of these trumpet plagues UNTIL the servants
of God are sealed.
So here is one example of where God deliberately held up world
conditions, and His own intervention UNTIL something important to
HIM was accomplished. In this case it was the sealing of the
144,000. And also the other great numberless MULTITUDE of all
nations. They have all come through (this numberless multitude)
the GREAT TRIBULATION, which was symbolized by the fifth seal.