The first message, or instruction from God, comes, beginning
the second chapter. "And He said unto me, son of man, I send thee
to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation...[and they shall
know] that there hath been a prophet among them" (Ezek. 2:3,5--c/f
Rev. 3:9).
Now notice chapter three. In verses 8-10 of the second
he had been given the message in a book--a roll, written on both
sides--about which I will refer later. In chapter 3:1 God says,
"...Eat THIS ROLL, and GO speak unto the House of Israel." Again
verse 4, "Son of man, GO, get thee unto the House of Israel, and
speak with my words unto them."
NOWHERE in the Bible are JEWS called "the House of Israel."
This term applies ONLY to the TEN-tribed Kingdom of Israel taken
into Assyrian captivity more than a hundred years before Ezekiel
and the Jews of the House of JUDAH were taken to Babylon.
Nowhere in the book does Ezekiel record his journey from
where he was in Babylon to those of the House of Israel who were
then in Britain and Western Europe. Nowhere does he record his
giving of the message to them. He merely RECEIVED the message.
There is no reason to think his message was ever delivered to
the House of Israel in Ezekiel's time. The message in fact is
for today--and contained a WARNING of things to happen to Britain,
America and the Western European nations NOW in OUR DAY.
I saw clearly, back in those early days--and especially during
World Wars I and II, that Ezekiel's prophecy was a message to be
taken by some MODERN TWENTIETH CENTURY servant of God--a "modern
Ezekiel" to America, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and
South Africa.
I dwelt in hundreds of broadcasts on this book of Ezekiel and
its WARNING of things IMMINENTLY NOW to HAPPEN TO Britain, the
United States and Western Europe.
Of course I always did, from the very beginning of this WORK
OF GOD, proclaim the good news of the COMING KINGDOM OF GOD.
The original apostles proclaimed the KINGDOM OF GOD, but they
also put very special emphasis on something that specially applied
only to their time, right then. They were personal EYE WITNESSES
to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In THEIR
day, the chief opposition and persecution came from those Jewish
leaders who rejected Christ as the promised Messiah.
DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND. The Jews as a whole did not reject
Christ. Indeed, virtually all His followers--the 120 that were
WITH HIM and the apostles (Acts 1:15) from which the church
started--all were Jews (or proselytes). The church BEGAN as almost
100% JEWISH. The Apostle Paul always went first to the Jews, and