Jesus came over 1,900 years ago with a vital MESSAGE from
but after 3 1/2 years of preaching it to hundreds of thousands,
only 120 still BELIEVED WHAT HE SAID (Acts 1:15). I do BELIEVE
what He says!
Let me tell you how it came about.
As the Apostle Paul was traveling the OPPOSITE WAY from GOD'S
way until God struck him down and revealed Christ's TRUTH to him,
so was I putting my whole heart into business--unconcerned about
God or His TRUTH. This is how GOD turned me around, opened my
mind, poured His TRUTH into it.
He used the wife of my youth in my conversion. He opened her
mind to the TRUTH of His Sabbath. This was like a bolt of
to me--only the bolt STRUCK ME straight through! To me it was
religious fanaticism! At the same time I was challenged by a
sister-in-law into an angry but diligent and thorough study and
research into the theory of EVOLUTION as opposed to creation by the
Creator God. Both caused me to study Genesis. Of course I studied
everything I could get hold of on Darwinism and evolution--the
works of
Huxley, Haeckel, Lyell, Spencer, Voght, Chamberlain, etc., etc.
I began to see that my childhood Protestant teaching was the
OPPOSITE of biblical teaching. My intensive study into science and
the Bible PROVED the existence of God, and the ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY
of the Bible as His WORD--His revealed KNOWLEDGE to man.
I remember what a shock it was to read in Romans 6:23 that THE
WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH, When in a Protestant Sunday School I had
been taught the wages--or what we got paid--for SIN was ETERNAL
LIFE in an ever-burning hellfire--that I would burn and burn
forever, yet never come to be burned up. I was equally shocked to
read the last part of the same sentence--but the gift of God is
ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus Christ our Lord. I did not know eternal
life had to be received as a GIFT--I was taught that I already had
eternal life--I was an IMMORTAL SOUL.
To make a long story short, the first six months of this
almost night and day STUDY IN DEPTH, made me realize how WRONG
I had been--in how I lived--in what I believed--in almost every
way. It brought me to a state of literally GIVING UP everything
I had believed--starting all over again from scratch realizing
about a complete conversion by the Spring of 1927. I came to feel
everything about me had been WRONG--NO GOOD--I compared myself to
a worthless hunk of burned-out junk unworthy to throw on the junk
I think FEW have ever had preconceived beliefs, ideas,
so thorouqhlY ERASED from their minds--able to look at the BIBLE
as God literally speaking to me [in print]--giving me KNOWLEDGE