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President and Pastor
October 29, 1976
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ,
Here I am in flight again--this time to Rome, Rhodesia and
South Africa, returning to the Middle East--and if conditions
settle down after the recent military overthrow of the government
in Thailand, a stop there, and then on to Tokyo.
I had just returned from speaking at every church festival site
in the continental U.S.A. during the biblical Feast of Tabernacles
which is held each autumn. I spoke twice at each of the eleven
festival sites, once before the entire membership assembled and once
at each site before the ministers and their wives--and that was 22
times speaking in eight days. My son, Garner Ted, spoke at ten
This year was by far the best festival ever so everybody said.
At every site I visited, aside from opening day in the northeast
U.S., the weather was perfect. It was the 50th Feast of Tabernacles
for me.
I was happy to report that the work, the church and the ministry
are in the most solid and firm condition they have ever been. All
were solidly TOGETHER in Christ more than ever before. The plans
for the future now are absolutely EXCITING!
Of course we do have to contend with sickening and ever-worsening
conditions in the world. Barely a month ago, I had two personal
meetings with Prime Minister Seni Pramoj of Thailand, including a
banquet at which he and I sat next to each other. Now his government
has been overthrown by a military coup, and he is held in
"protective custody," if you understand what that means. I was
scheduled to be decorated (highest honor) by the king of Thailand
about next week. Since the riot and overthrow of the government,
we are going to South Africa first and hope conditions will settle
down in Thailand before our return. But--these governmental
overthrows notwithstanding--plans ahead are absolutely exciting.
Plans for the new magazine--Quest/77--of the AICF (Ambassador
International Cultural Foundation) are developing and we are all
up on "cloud nine" in enthusiasm at the wonderful prospects.
The new plans for putting The PLAIN Truth on the NEWSSTANDS in
the U.S.A. (and other countries) are positively EXCITING. We believe
they will ultimately result in about one in every three or four homes
in the United States and Canada becoming subscribers to The Plain
Truth. Also, the same newsstand method will multiply subscribers
in Britain, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.