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Now in Romans 8, notice further the incredible, fantastic
potential of man.
Speaking of the glory that shall be revealed in us humans, "For
the CREATION [whole universe] waits with eager longing for the
revealing of the sons of God..."--that is, we shall be REVEALED in
GLORY, by the RESURRECTION--the life to come--when we are CHANGED from
matter into SPIRIT composition. Continue, "...for the CREATION [physical
universe] was subjected to FUTILITY, not of its own will but by the
will of him who subjected it IN HOPE; because the creation itself
[physical universe] will be set free from its BONDAGE TO DECAY and
obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God. We know that
the whole CREATION [physical universe with all life upon it] has
been GROANING IN TRAVAIL [suffering as in childbirth, as we shall
be born by the RESURRECTION] together until now; and not only the
creation, but we ourselves, who have the FIRST FRUITS [the first to
be called to spiritual salvation] of the Spirit, groan inwardly as
we [now called--God's Church] wait for adoption [BIRTH as it here
should be translated] as SONS, the redemption of our bodies" (Rom.
8:19-23 RSV). "For our citizenship [correct translation] is in
heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus
Christ: Who shall change our vile body [present physical body]
that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious [SPIRIT-COMPOSED]
body..." (Phil. 3:20, 21).
Brethren, grasp if it doesn't explode your mind, the INCREDIBLE,
AWE-INSPIRING, fantastic POTENTIAL of man through Christ.
This ultimate potential of man through Christ is almost too
AWESOME to believe.
But, dear co-workers, THIS was the potential first offered to
angels. The commission to finish--to complete--the creation of the
universe--to UPBUILD, improve, perfect the entire UNIVERSE!
That includes this earth--the other planets of our solar system,
which is only a part of our galaxy--not only earth, but Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Venus, etc. Beyond our galaxy of which our solar system is
but an insignificant small part are perhaps MILLIONS of other super
This earth was the training ground--the testing ground--for the
hundreds of millions of anqels who were placed here.
God the CREATOR is going to do something SO GREAT as to be
Now THINK!! How can BILLIONS of beings--whether angels or
humans--work together to accomplish such a grand scale,
mind-staggering achievement UNLESS THEY WORK TOGETHER--in harmony,
in peace, in unity!
They had to be beings, beings with MINDS--capable of thought,
of reasoning, of coming to conclusions, making decisions, making
choices. But if one thinks one way is right and another a different
way, they CLASH!