angels SINNED (II Pet. 2:4-6). As a result, physical disaster
came to the earth's surface. It became (Gen. 1:2) "without form and
void"--better translated "in confusion and chaos, waste and empty."
In six days God "renewed the face of the earth" (Psalm 104:30),
and then created man. Since the angels FAILED to improve and
develop this earth, they were disqualified from developing,
improving the rest of the universe, and God has created MAN, after
God's own image and likeness--form and shape--to be developed into
God's own perfect holy CHARACTER--and what evidently was the original
possible heritage of the angels, becomes that of MAN--after man
is changed from matter into spirit composition--from human to
divine--from mortal to immortal.
Since everything God ever CREATED--so far as we have record
of its condition at creation--was perfect--"VERY GOOD," I feel it
is made evident that God did NOT create our moon and Mars in the
state of futile decay in which they are today. The indication
points strongly--based on what is revealed--that the planets of
the UNIVERSE (not our own solar system only) have been rendered
into this state of lifeless decay by the REBELLION AND SIN OF THE
This is revealed in the 8th chapter of Romans. The King James
translators apparently were unable to BELIEVE what was written in
the original Greek, and MIS-translated it. It is made clear in the
Revised Standard Version. Here it is:
"For the CREATION [not creature] waits with eager longing for
the revealing [at time of resurrection] of the sons of God: for
the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by
the will of him who subjected it in hope; because the creation
itself will be set free from its bondage to decay [as the universe
now is--as is Mars and our moon] and obtain the glorious liberty
of the children of God. We know that the whole creation HAS BEEN
BUT WE OURSELVES, who have the first fruits of the Spirit [of God]
groan inwardly as we wait for adoption [BIRTH by resurrection] as
sons, the redemption of our bodies" (Rom. 8:19-23). (Emphasis mine).
So you can realize the thrill I experienced, seeing in our
own House of God Auditorium, the first real close-up photographs
from the very surface of Mars, CONFIRMING the state the Bible
reveals such planets are in today.
This is all part of the wonderful TRUE GOSPEL--the GOOD NEWS
of the KINGDOM OF GOD, soon now to come--the Gospel the world has
NOT HEARD from the first century A.D. until now--the MOST IMPORT-
ANT WORK ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH TODAY--revealing this glorious
GOOD NENS of the future GLORY OF MAN in his SALVATION--and what
we shall accomplish throughout the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!
Co-workers and Brethren, this is the MOST GLORIOUS MISSION
EVER CONFERRED ON ANY CREATURE! God is blessing it tremendously!
THANK GOD that you have A PART in it!