To those of us IN THIS WORK Christ says: "Lo, I have set
a door open before you...." An open door is used in the New Testament
to signify a way opened before us to proclaim Christ's Gospel
MESSAGE. For 40 years I found the door OPEN to get the Message
to people in the United States and Canada, and partly to the
people of Britain, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and
western Europe. But in most nations, the doors were CLOSED to
us. Radio, T.V. and means of reaching mass audiences were government
owned and operated, and Christ's Message was barred. There was not
the freedom of speech and press there that we have in the United
States. But in the last three or four years, these doors have been
opening. They had been CLOSED by the governments. Now God has been
giving me seemingly miraculous FAVOR in the eyes of heads of
government and those near the top.
Continue this prophecy: "...which no one is able to shut...."
Enemies have TRIED, but HAVE BEEN UNABLE to shut these doors!
Continue: "...for though your strength is small, you have kept
my word, you have not renounced my Name...Because you have kept
my call to patient endurance, I will keep you safe through the
hour of trial [the GREAT TRIBULATION] which is coming upon the
whole world to test the dwellers on earth. I am coming very
soon: hold to what you have..." (Rev. 3:8-11, Moffatt).
Now notice Matthew's prophecy of this Great Tribulation. It
is the very NEXT THING TO HAPPEN. In verse 14 Jesus spoke of
this VERY WORK in which YOU are a co-worker. "...This gospel
of the Reign shall be preached over the wide world as a testimony
to all the Gentiles, and then the end [of this age] will come"
(Matt. 24:14, Moffatt).
Then the NEXT event in prophecy is the Great Tribulation.
It is summarized in verses 21 and 22: "For then shall be great
tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to
this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should
be shortened, there should no flesh be saved [alive]: but for
the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."
The Moffatt translation has: "Had not those days been cut
short, not a soul would be saved alive..." (verse 22).
There can be only one time of trouble greater than any
before or to come after. I don't want to have to qo throuqh it!
The prophet Daniel speaks of the SAME TIME: "And at that time
shall Michael stand up, the great prince [archangel] which
standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a
time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even
to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered,
every one that shall be found written in the book [of life]. And
many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
some to everlasting life..." (Dan. 12:1-2).
Daniel describes the SAME time of trouble, more furious, more
severe than anything before--and just before the coming of Christ