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President and Pastor
In Europe
January 21, 1976
Dear Co-Worker in Christ:
It's time you were becoming ALARMED over the rapidly
worsening state of the world you live in. The flaring up of
massive violence may not be in your town or city--but we live in
an interdependent world. The increasing mass violence and threat of
spreading world war affects the United States and all British
countries--and your town or city.
This world we live in is being rapidly hurled into the
prophesied GREAT TRIBULATION--the time of world trouble, such as
never happened before, and never will again. And prophecy says it
will be primarily affecting the United States and British countries!
And the living Creator of the universe has called YOU and me
to get this message and the message of the ensuing supernatural
intervention which will bring PEACE announced throughout the world
before the Tribulation strikes in full FURY!
When this letter was written--January 21 in Europe--the
chief trouble spots of the world were fast escalating in violence.
The most violent flare-up was in Lebanon, the Arab state which
is about half Moslem and half Christian. I have had private
talks with both President Suleiman Franjieh, who is Christian, and
Prime Minister Rashid Karami, who is Moslem. Premier Karami had
just resigned, and in the wake of his resignation, Moslems called
for total holy (religious) war. On January 19, the twenty-fourth
"cease-fire" was announced, but the firing did not cease.
The modern city of Beirut, which has been the financial and
educational capital of the Arab world, a city filled with hundreds
of high-rise buildings, was a shambles. By January 20, Palestinian
and Moslem forces had seized most of the Lebanese countryside.
Lebanon's Interior Minister appealed to the United States and the
United Nations to intervene. Syrian forces were poised, ready to
invade Lebanon, and Israeli forces threatened intervention if Syria
entered the civil war in Lebanon.
The United States warned Syria and Israel against any
intervention, and probably warned the U.S.S.R. also.
This civil war in Lebanon could easily trigger ALL-OUT WAR
in the Middle East, which in turn could lead to NUCLEAR WORLD WAR!
As we should have expected, trouble is flaring up in Spain
since the death of dictator Francisco Franco and the accession of