babylonish world and become a PART of it. And it is not TRUE
education at all for two other reasons---1) it does not teach
students to examine, to question, to PROVE whether the thing taught
in the text book is true, but rather it teaches him to ACCEPT it
without question, and memorize it AS truth. Pupils start in the
first grade doing this. Students are given text books, assigned a
lesson. They never think to question; they merely memorize what
the book says, and they are graded on how well they have accepted
and memorized it so they know it---or at least believe they know
it! Now the Bible teaches us to PROVE all things, and accept and
hold fast only to that which is PROVED to be true and good (I Thes.
5:21). And 2) the schools of our land fail in their mission
because they do not teach the true METHOD of education, what it is,
HOW to study, How to get it. The conception of most students is
that education is something you get at school and college. When
one graduates he HAS his education. As to METHOD the idea is to
cram into the student's mind during college years enough
educational food to last him the rest of his life. But in true
fact EDUCATION IS A LIFE-LONG PROCESS. It only should begin in
college. College should teach HOW to study, start him off, and
teach him to keep on studying thru life.
Now God's Word commands: "STUDY to show thyself approved unto
God, . . .rightly dividing the Word of TRUTH." (II Tim. 2:15). God
commands us to STUDY---to educate, train, develop our MINDS. How
many Christians really do it? But notice the PURPOSE---to show
ourselves approved unto God---RIGHTLY dividing the Word of TRUTH.
The Bible is the foundation, the basis of that study. We are to
study rightly to UNDERSTAND. We must PROVE all things. Be
rational---question what we study, until it is PROVED true!
Yes, Satan is the god of this world. This is Satan's world.
It is steeped in his teachings, methods, procedures. Today the
TRUTH appears as mere FOOLISHNESS to the highly educated in this
world! "Howbeit, . . . we speak not the wisdom of this world, . .
. but we speak the wisdom of God, . . . which none of the princes
of this world knew . . . For the wisdom of this world is
FOOLISHNESS with God." (I Cor. 2:6-7; 3:19). None but the FOOL
says "there is no GOD." Yet surveys show most college graduates
A Great NEW Phase of GOD'S WORK
This is GOD'S WORK! And several months ago God showed me, as
if by special revelation, that the time has come to found a COLLEGE
in connection with His work. WHERE, today are young people who
wish to dedicate their lives to God to go to find TRUE EDUCATION?
Mrs. Armstrong and I did not send our daughters to college.
Do you know why? It was certainly not because we do not believe in
education, for with all our hearts we believe in right education!
It was because colleges today do not teach true knowledge or give
true education, but instead lead minds in the opposite direction
farther and farther away from true education. They are factories
of atheism and infidelity! Better be without education than have
a mind stuffed with that kind of false beliefs. The BASIS of this
world's educational curriculum is EVOLUTION.