"To most people," he continues, "as you know, only what is
clearly visible has any meaning. God's people are no different
naturally. Also, what you are doing is quite remote to most of us,
or, should I say, we are quite remote to it. You, Mr. Rader and Mr.
Gotoh are there. You experience it. You live it daily.... Our
daily activities tend to leave us engrossed in matters totally
unrelated to the great doors God is opening to you. Now, the
information that we receive from you helps immensely. Please continue
by alL means to keep us filled in through co-worker letters, the
Worldwide News and other publications. We need this.... What I
am saying may sound like making excuses. Actually, I am only trying
to explain our reactions. Despite your efforts to explain, I
never before really got it.... I had to ask God to open my mind
to see and grasp what you were doing. Also I had to exercise
faith in God to lead you to do His will, regardless of my
understanding. And soon I could begin to visualize just how what you
are doing is indeed the main thrust of God's Work. I think I can
see now how, in a very short time, this Work could reach the world
in a powerful, heretofore unrealized way. It was amazing. It was
"The conclusion I have therefore come to is that we have to
have faith. We must believe that God will lead His servants in
all things. Even if we don't see it, we must BELIEVE it.... Mr.
Armstrong, I have always been back of you in this Work. My wife
has also.... We want you to know, when you are out there on the
firing line, that you do have supporters.... God's people are with
you! But we are weak, we are human, and we do make mistakes....
Keep on pushing. We are behind you. [Signed] Martin Manuel"
As Mr. Manuel said, it is difficult for you who cannot be
there with me to really EXPERIENCE, as I do, this very VITAL and
super-IMPORTANT new dimension of GOD'S WORK.
But a former graduate of the English campus of Ambassador
College, Mr. Robert E. Fahey, and his wife Evelyn did have the
opportunity to EXPERIENCE the Nairobi campaign. (Mr. Fahey has been
for some years now manager of our Johannesburg office and the
director of the Work in South Africa.) His vivid eyewitness
description has already been published in the Worldwide News, but
perhaps it will help others of our co-workers to "GET IT" by
repeating here his report on that campaign:
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- The Gospel was preached
in Nairobi. I know because I was there and heard it!
You could almost say felt it. It was that strong!
Sunday, June 8, was the final night of the campaign.
My wife Ev and I sat almost bolt upright as we heard
Mr. [Herbert] Armstrong deliver the strongest sermon I
think I have ever heard him give. The good news of man's
ultimate destiny came through clearly and powerfully.
The first night Mr. Armstrong talked about the conditions
in the world today. Later that evening he mentioned that