will grant -- which probably will be NONE -- probably nothing short
of unconditional surrender. The Communist program, which I wrote
about and spoke about on radio years ago, is to conquer the whole
world. Their strategy is to conquer and occupy and rule all
Southeast Asia first, then Singapore, Indonesia, and Australia next;
then the Middle East, then Europe, and, finally, the United States.
Their program is not for a single five- or ten-year campaign,
but one for decade after decade, and even generation after
generation, if necessary.
Their program is NOT a fast booming "blitzkrieg," but more in
keeping with their comparisons to a BEAR -- a Big, lumbering, slow-
moving, ponderous BEAR. And so far they are right on schedule and
still pressing on.
The United States spent some 50,000 precious American lives,
many more thousand American wounded, and some $170 BILLION in trying
to STOP the Communist drive at the South Vietnam border -- but it
has failed! God says of us, we allow ourselves to be mixed up with
foreigners (allies at war). "Foreigners eat away his strength,
unknown to him" (Hosea 7:9).
It was unlike any other war. As former Ambassador Bunker said,
it was the first war ever fought ON TELEVISION, but also it was a
war where the United States' PURPOSE was: "DON'T WIN -- just CONTAIN."
The events of the past couple of weeks have moved me emotionally.
I have been to Saigon three or four times. I KNOW many there,
including now former President Thieu, Senator Pauline, as we call her
-- actually, Senator Pauline Tho, who gave us much help and aid and
went with us to the meeting with the President. Her husband is a
former cabinet member and a professor in the university. I know
their lovely children, and I have been in their very nice home.
What will now happen to them, and the Minister of Education, and
the Minister of Public Health, and others?
What are humans DOING on earth anyhow? Nations are speaking
"PEACE." Yes, but each nation wants peace under ITS government,
with no resistance to ITS rule. And, of course, the other
governments want PEACE under their form of government and under
their rule. And so the governments FIGHT -- for "PEACE"!
Co-workers, you and I are co-workers with Jesus Christ, who
is going to bring us REAL peace, with NO fighting. I am here in
Bombay to get THAT Message over to leaders among these people in
the second largest nation on earth! I am showing leaders of these
nations that FIGHTING for peace doesn't bring it, and that the
Living Christ is soon coming back to earth to HELP all these leaders
of government over the world to have REAL PEACE -- permanent, with
universal prosperity, instead of wasting their strength and effort
fighting against each other.
God is now holding back the world events heading toward the
final climax of the GREAT TRIBULATION and the DAY OF THE LORD
u n t i l we get the message of the KINGDOM OF GOD to the leaders
and rulers of East Asia.