capable of such accomplishments, still over HALF of all human
beings on earth are living in abject poverty, many starving and
near starving, illiterate, wracked with sickness and disease,
living in filth and squalor. There were more "NOES!"
I mentioned the economic depression spreading over the
world, the violence, crime, moral degeneracy, the problems and
evils mankind seems incapable of solving -- the unhappiness, even
among the affluent and financially successful.
Then I said there is a CAUSE for all these evils, and I
was going to show them that CAUSE. World leaders for 4,000 years
have been seeking WORLD PEACE, striving for WORLD PEACE -- yet
there is NO PEACE! And that I intended to show them the REASON
-- and also the WAY to World Peace. And that I am contacting heads
and leaders of nations all over the world as an AMBASSADOR FOR
WORLD PEACE. I told them of my surveys of conditions beginning
back in 1914, and of the challenge that came to me in 1926 that
caused an eye-opening study and research into the Bible -- and how
I found, there, the ANSWERS to all our human problems and evils --
the CAUSE -- and also the WAY that will produce WORLD PEACE,
universal prosperity, happiness, and physical and spiritual
WELL-BEING. And that NO RELIGION teaches these things -- SCIENCE
cannot discover this truth -- higher education cannot teach it!
I went into the incident of the "FORBIDDEN FRUIT" in
Genesis 2 and 3: Of how the Creator began instructing the first
two humans on the WAY OF LIFE that would lead to happiness,
abundance and eternal life -- the WAY that would have prevented ALL
of these EVILS that beset us in the world today; Of how that WAY
of life is an inexorable LAW, as relentless and sure as the law of
gravity -- a SPIRITUAL law. I then explained that there are just
two broad, general WAYS OF LIFE, and they travel in opposite
directions. Of how I call one, simply, the way of "GIVE" -- and
the other way of "GET." The GIVE way is the way of OUTgoing
concern toward others -- the way of God's LAW -- the way of LOVE.
But our first parents DIDN'T BELIEVE what God SAID. When
they disobeyed and took the forbidden fruit of the tree of the
"knowledge of good and evil," they simply took to themselves
the knowledge of what is good and what is evil. And I showed how
humanity ever since has chosen the selfish "GET" way of life that
has CAUSED all this world's evils. And I showed how God was soon
going to TAKE CHARGE, and bring us WORLD PEACE in spite of man's
rebellion against God's WAY.
That's only a very brief summary of my 22-minute address.
But it was a "warm-up" to prepare for a big PUBLIC APPEARANCE
campaign in Bombay in the near future.
This morning Dr. Singh has been swamped with
congratulations and appreciation for bringing me here, and wanting
to hear more. The reaction certainly indicates this big dinner was
an overwhelming success.
Co-Workers, I wonder if we all realize that the only true
Gospel is the MESSAGE Jesus Christ brought from God in heaven. He