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wars, and all the terrible conditions in the world today, is more
important than the more sensational disclosures I expect to make in
the coming issue. Yet I know only too well that most people will
find this more sensational expose more interesting to read. And
it, too, is important. And then this larger, 16-page PLAIN TRUTH
will contain considerably more than the usual number of articles.
In the beautiful January number will also appear the real
scriptural explanation of the NEW Testament teaching on Tithing;
the sequel to the March-April article on "The Coming World-
Explosion in PALESTINE;" a really amazing article on present
conditions in America in DIVORCE and RE-MARRIAGE, with a fearless
revelation of the Bible TRUTH on this vital question, now actually
hitting one home in every three in our land!--an up-to-the-minute
analysis of world conditions, and the drift toward ATOMIC WAR; an
article beginning the eye-opening explanation of the questions "WHO
is the BEAST?" "WHAT is the IMAGE, and the MARK of the Beast?"
With a full 16 pages, with illustrations, two colors of ink, more
attractive headings and typography. I sincerely hope to make this
January number the finest, most attractive, most interesting, most
helpful, and in every way the BEST issue of The PLAIN TRUTH ever
And did you notice? The circulation has grown to ONE HUNDRED
AND TEN THOUSAND COPIES! That's an immense circulation, going to
every state, and several foreign countries. I know you rejoice and
praise God with us, in this splendid and powerful growth of The
PLAIN TRUTH---now to be doubled in size, made more attractive in
appearance, and to come out regularly every month! It will, of
course, be a tremendous undertaking. But we are putting all our
energies to the task, redoubling our efforts, and I know our loyal
Co-Workers will also redouble their efforts that the increased cost
may be met, and God will give us strength and power and ability
each to meet our responsibility and to accomplish the glorious
mission to which we have been called.
I almost forgot to mention some very good news in connection
with the enlargement of The PLAIN TRUTH. By having it produced,
hereafter, in this large establishment in Los Angeles by mass-
production methods we shall be able to publish this much more
attractive magazine, double in size, at a cost only about 16% more
than the smaller, less attractive magazine has cost by the smaller,
slower, less efficient methods we have had to use here in Eugene.
Now I have what seems to me just now an even MORE WONDERFUL
announcement--a thrilling announcement I've had to hold back for
several months! Yet it's hard to conceive of any announcement
being more thrilling than that The PLAIN TRUTH, after all these
years of struggle to that end, is at last to blossom out into a
full 16-page attractive magazine, with twelve issues every year
instead of only two or three. Mrs. Armstrong and I have worked
hard and long, and struggled against almost every obstacle and
opposition, to bring The PLAIN TRUTH from a little mimeographed
paper of 300 copies in February, 1934, up to this beautiful
magazine of 110,000 copies to make it's appearance in three or four
weeks. But the effort and struggle has not been ours alone; for
YOU DEAR CO-WORKERS, after all, have made it all possible by your
unselfish faithfulness! Yet let us give all thanks, praise and