Publisher of The PLAIN TRUTH Magazine
An educational service at all levels
for all people worldwide
Bangkok, Thailand
October 24, 1974
Dear Inner Family of
Co-Workers with Christ:
I have just arrived here from Tokyo, to conclude
arrangements for a big public appearance campaign. Two of my
"Japanese sons" -- high ranking members of the Japanese Diet
(Japan's law making body, like our Congress), are accompanying me.
From here we fly on to Cairo for what is expected to be the largest
"testimonial dinner" so far.
More and more we need to realize the seriousness of events
plunging us to the END of this present world. More and more,
governments with which I have been in close contact, are being
Just last Sunday violent mass demonstrations against
President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam injured 36 policemen.
I have had close personal contact with President Thieu and those
close to him in Saigon. I had planned a large public appearance
campaign for Saigon within the next two or three weeks. It had to
be postponed because of the danger of assembling such a crowd as we
had anticipated in the university stadium -- outdoors. The
government feared a possible bombing by the North Vietnamese.
I had planned such a public campaign in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia beginning mid-October, more than a week ago. But that
government has been overthrown by a military revolt and a new
military government has taken over. One of the last things Emperor
Haile Selassie did, before the army seized him and took him away
from his palace a prisoner, was to send me a telegram of
congratulations on my birthday. I have to suddenly realize that I
have to move as fast as possible in getting the true Gospel into
these nations around the world. Time is fast running out. Soon it
will be too late. But I know that the Eternal God is holding back
this worsening worldwide condition, at least long enough to get His
last Message into what, in His eyes, is a large enough number of
The whole world today is SICK. Never in the history of
mankind have world conditions been so bad. And GROWING WORSE!
Bringing on the prophesied GREAT TRIBULATION (Matt. 24:21-22) --
world troubles "such as was not since the beginning of the world
to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should