material things. I only mention this that you may know I do not
ask others to do what I have now proved willing to do myself,
setting the example. But there are others in our co-worker family
who could match or exceed, maybe several times over, what we did,
and without making any such sacrifice---and I most certainly would
not ask anyone else even to think of sacrificing their home for the
work. I don't want hardship to come to any---but I do know the
blessing that will return to you if you make reasonable sacrifice,
to the very limit, and send in whatever is the largest amount with-
in YOUR means for God's great cause. And this I DO earnestly ask
every co-worker whose heart is in God's work to do---AT ONCE---and
remember AIR MAIL is only five cents now, so RUSH IT AIR MAIL in
the enclosed reply envelope.
May God bless you all! I will write you again as soon as
I have definite news.
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong