Egypt is, of course, one of the chief leaders in the Arab
world. Dr. Mohammed Abdul Lader Hattem, President Sadat's chief
executive, who is now over the cabinet ministers, next to President
Sadat in power, also plans to fly with us to a number of other
capitals in the Arab world, so that plans may be laid in those
capitals also for soon coming Public Appearance Campaigns.
A few days ago the North vietnamese were in a battle close
to Saigon. We are sending a man close to officials there, to check
as to the advisability of attracting big crowds of many THOUSANDS
into one place in the campaign scheduled there for December. If
it is feared such a crowd might tempt the enemy to BOMB that crowd,
I will hold the big December campaign in BANGKOK instead.
If Saigon remains firm, Bangkok will come in January.
I am getting to these nations as rapidly as possible.
Pray for me. Pray for Garner Ted. Pray for the WORK --
and for one another in God's Church. Keep praying.
We need to continue back of this great Work as NEVER
BEFORE, with renewed vigor -- renewed sacrifice.
With deep LOVE, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
P.S. The day after I finished the above, I was in Washington, D.C,
and there contacted Mr. Abdullah Salah, the Jordanian Ambassador
to the United States. You may remember that King Hussein of Jordan
had been in Washington the first half of August, and was the first
head of another government to have a meeting with the new
President, Gerald Ford. King Hussein had personally brought with
him a brilliant and flashy decoration, which he left with the
Ambassador. This was presented to me by the Ambassador, along with
the official photograph of His Majesty, signed, "To my good friend
Herbert W. Armstrong, with best wishes" -- then signed, and dated,
August 4, 1974. There will be a Public Appearance Campaign in
Jordan soon, and probably a "Testimonial Dinner" with about 100 top
officials present, even on this September trip.
Let me add, conditions all over the world are worsening
fast. The world's economy, worldwide, is in chaos. In such
conditions, the best place for money, is to put it WHERE GOD IS
WORKING -- AND BLESSING! And where it never was more NEEDED!