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Publisher of The PLAIN TRUTH Magazine
An educational service at all levels
for all people worldwide
Cairo, Egypt
July 25, 1974
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ:
This time I write you from Cairo, Egypt where I await a
private meeting with Egyptian President Anwar L. Sadat. (See news
of this later.)
The whole world situation is now darkening. FASTER!! If
some of you felt I was in any way exaggerating when, late last
year, I mentioned how many nations are being overthrown, you
certainly should know by now how serious the world condition really
But is it mere coincidence that more and more heads of state
are opening their doors to me, in all parts of the world? Each
country that opens its door seems to lead to one or more others
-- and the invitations are coming faster than I can get to them.
Christ's warning Gospel for this very hour in earth's history is
going rapidly to the leaders who are responsible for the spiritual
condition of their peoples! NEVER has anything like this happened
in all world history! Our job is getting done -- speeding up as
we approach the END of the age.
I've written you how I was invited, in March of last year,
to visit the King of Afghanistan, and the Emperor of Ethiopia.
Before I could fit a visit to Afghanistan into my schedule, the
government was overthrown, and the King fled in exile. I did
visit Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia in June of last year,
and again this past January. But since then his country has been
virtually overthrown by a military uprising. The Emperor, however,
is still on his throne. I had photographers in Addis Ababa last
month, taking preliminary television footage for a TV program, and
for my coming Public Appearance there, but had to call them out,
because those officials we had contacted were in prison. However,
we still hope to have my Personal Public Appearance Campaigns there
in October.
Then, you remember, I was in Santiago, Chile, for a meeting
with President Allende. Three weeks later he was assassinated and
the government overthrown in a military coup d'etat. At that time
I was in Lebanon, and three weeks later the Arab-Israel Holy Day
war started. At that time I was in Bangkok, and three weeks later
that government was overthrown by a massive 200,000 student
uprising and demand. The rector of the university who had attended