Analyses Today's News, with the
Prophecies of The WORLD TOMORROW
November 4, 1946
The P L A I N T R U T H
Dear Co-Workers:
Again I must write you an EMERGENCY Letter.
For ten days this work has faced the most desperate crisis
of the nearly thirteen years since it was started. For a few
nights, now, the program has been off the air on our two most
powerful stations---XEG and XELO. Letters by the hundreds---even
telegrams---have been pouring in asking what has happened.
I can't very well go into detail explaining just how the
devil has tried to stop this most important work on earth, further
than to say that he has used the greed of one or two men involved
who were apparently attempting to put over a fast financial deal
whereby they could get the immediate use of more than $50,000 into
their hands to finance their own private enterprises. This doesn't
make it very clear to you, I know---but I cannot state the facts
plainly for obvious reasons, because where there is crooked work in
this world those guilty of it would not stop at anything to gain
their ends.
This whole matter burst like a bomb shell, suddenly and
unexpectedly. It came at a time when I could not leave Eugene to
go to Mexico and try to straighten it out in person. Consequently,
I have had to stay right on the long distance telephone almost
constantly for days. It has been the most baffling problem I ever
was confronted with, because for days I was unable to find out WHY
we were off the air, WHO was responsible, or how to cope with the
situation. All I could do was PRAY, trust God to take care of His
work, and to keep trying to ferret out the real trouble. Even now
I couldn't prove what has become self-evident. All I can say is
that the man responsible is a man I feel quite certain would not be
alive today, had not our God healed him when he was at the doors of
death with pneumonia several months ago---when I earnestly
interceded with God in his behalf. Even as David prayed to God in
his times of trial and trouble, our enemies are often those we have
helped and treated the kindliest---returning evil for good! God
have mercy on such a world!
Nevertheless, we have God's PROMISES that He will never
leave us nor forsake us---that He will not stop the work He has
begun---that He will deliver us from our enemies---that He will
deliver us from every trial, and will prosper those who serve and
rely upon Him! And God never breaks a promise! Dark tho things
may look for a time, GOD'S PROMISES CANNOT FAIL!