and born DESCENDANTS OF Israel.
Under the NEW Testament, it is the Church of GOD --
consisting of the spiritually begotten (not yet born) children of
GOD. The CHURCH OF GOD, at the coming of Christ and the
resurrection, will, BY the resurrection, BECOME the KINGDOM OF GOD.
And since the CHURCH OF GOD is to BECOME the KINGDOM OF
GOD, it is now, 1) a spiritual Organism, in which each begotten
child of God has a personal contact, through Christ, in prayer and
in fellowship, with the Father of the Family of which each of us
is a begotten child. And in order to carry out the Divine Great
Commission, 2) an ORGANIZATION, organized with the GOVERNMENT OF
GOD, to carry on what we customarily refer to as the WORK OF GOD.
Now let's look into New Testament teaching to see how
Take the Apostle Paul, called and chosen by Christ direct,
as leader, under Christ, in getting THE WORK to the Gentiles, as
well as the conducting of services in the churches, after the Work
has resulted in conversions and local churches -- that is, the
function of "feeding the flock," after THE WORK has not only
proclaimed the Gospel as a witness, but also resulted in
conversions and adding members to the Church.
I quoted from Galatians 2:7-8 about how Paul was assigned
by Christ to head THE WORK to the Gentiles.
Now notice Titus 1:4-5 and 2:15 -- Paul wrote to Titus
(UNDER PAUL), "To Titus, mine own son after the common faith
(even as those under me in THE WORK today, are MY own sons,
directly or indirectly, in the Lord), ...from God the Father (first
in rank) and the Lord Jesus Christ (second in rank) our Savior.
For this cause left I (next in rank -- to Gentiles -- under Christ)
thee (under Paul's authority in the Work) in Crete, that thou
shouldst set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain
elders (under Titus who is under Paul, who is under Christ) in
every city as I had appointed thee."
Paul gave reason, in the following verses, for GOVERNMENT
and AUTHORITY in the Church -- "For there are many unruly and vain
talkers and deceivers ... whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert
whole houses (even as those fighting against order and government
in God's Church are doing today), teaching things they ought not
(as right now), for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, even
a prophet of their own, said, The Cretans are always liars, evil
beasts, (lazy gluttons -- RSV), ... This witness is true.
Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the
faith." And Paul adds, chapter 2:15, "...and REBUKE, with ALL
Yes, God's Government is NECESSARY in His Church, and He
No authority in the Church? What did God MEAN when He