104:30), restoring light and beauty -- and creating MAN!
Adam was given the opportunity to qualify to replace the
disqualified Satan as King, administering the GOVERNMENT OF GOD
over the earth. God taught our first parents THE WAY of His
Government, based on His Spiritual LAW. The fact that God
pronounced the DEATH PENALTY (Gen. 2:17) for transgression is
evidence that God revealed to Adam God's Government based on His
LAW. He could not have pronounced the penalty for disobedience
without having also explained His LAW and His GOVERNMENT. God
also (through the tree of LIFE) offered the GIFT of His Holy
Spirit and ETERNAL LIFE.
But the first Adam took to himself the deciding of the
KNOWLEDGE of what is GOOD and what is EVIL. Thus he disobeyed and
rejected THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD. His children -- all humanity --
have followed that way ever since.
And now, God marked out a 7,000 year period of time to
accomplish His PURPOSE in MAN. The first six of these millennial
days were allocated for man's trial and test under the sway of
Satan. Satan could not, consistent with the principles of God's
Government, be removed from office until a successor had been
qualified and inducted into office.
Did God KNOW what decision Adam would make? Perhaps not,
yet He most certainly must have known the probabilities, under
Satan's sway. But the Logos -- the "WORD" who became Jesus Christ,
by whom God the Father had created ALL THINGS -- had offered before
the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8) -- to divest Himself of
immortal glory, to redeem MAN.
This first 6,000 years is now fast coming to its close.
In it, God has demonstrated, by 6,000 years of human sin, and the
resultant pain, sorrow, suffering, unhappiness, and frustration
that Satan's way only harms, injures and destroys the one who
follows that way of SIN.
This 6,000 years is to be followed by ONE thousand years
restored on earth by the living CHRIST, soon coming as KING of
kings and LORD of lords to RULE ALL NATIONS with the GOVERNMENT
OF GOD, finally RESTORED to earth under Christ!
This will demonstrate once and for all, that GOD'S WAY --
His GOVERNMENT -- is the ONLY way that produces ALL GOOD. It will
demonstrate it not only to all mankind, BUT ALSO TO THE REMAINING
So, IN this unhappy world under Satan's sway, finally there
appeared a man, Abraham, who obeyed God. Four hundred and thirty
years later, God took Abraham's descendants, delivered out of
Egyptian slavery, and with their agreement formed them into a
Nation having GOD'S GOVERNMENT. To administer God's Government
at the start, God specially prepared and chose ONE MAN, Moses.
Notice, now, the FORM, or PRINCIPLE of God's government