this false. Any cancelled checks he may have heard of would be
from one of these individual members, and were given me to use in
the VERY SAME WORK OF GOD in which the living Christ is STILL using
For some years after beginning cooperation with the Salem
organization in April, 1934, we of the Eugene Church continued in
fellowship and cooperation with the Salem organization -- and even
when occasion offered, with Stanberry members in Oregon. Remember,
the PARENT Church of what has become the WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD
was started west of Eugene, Oregon, in August 1933. Gradually,
the Work -- primarily by radio and printing -- grew (30% a year
for nearly 35 years), and as it did I found I had less and less
time to minister to the "Sardis" brethren at Jefferson. In due
time, I invited one of their ministers, Roy Dailey, to share that
church every other Sabbath with me, and finally as our WORK grew
and absorbed ALL my time, I simply stopped preaching at Jefferson.
But the story that I WENT OUT FROM THEM to start a "work
of my own" because their head man rejected a truth, or refused to
accept a truth, IS 100% FALSE! I was NEVER EVEN A MEMBER of them.
I cooperated with them, and I was always LOYAL, in that
SON IN THE LORD, as these dissenters are my "sons in the Lord."
THEY have defected and GONE OUT -- but I NEVER DID!
No minister on earth can take credit in any manner in my
conversion. God was calling me! The living Christ taught me,
even as He directly called, converted, and taught, the Apostle
Paul, teaching me with the WRITTEN WORD, even as He taught Paul
Himself as the PERSONAL word.
At NO time did I fight against the "Sardis" people, or
seek to pull any of their brethren away from them, or from those
through whom God had originally called and converted them. This
I NEVER DID. This these dissenters ARE DOING, and there is NO
PLACE IN THE NEW TESTAMENT where Jesus Christ approves such a
thing. I NEVER proselyted. From the first, I merely preached
the Gospel, and Christ gave me NEW converts. I went to the world
with the Gospel. The dissenting ministers are going to the Church
to proselyte and draw members after them.
These dissenters apparently are making NO EFFORT to spread
the Gospel in any way. Their sole aim appears to be to falsely
ACCUSE (Satan is the accuser of the brethren), to deceive, to
harm or DESTROY the Work of the living GOD, and to DRAW DISCIPLES
AFTER THEM! Never have I remotely resorted to such heinous,
abominable, unChristian conduct. They are GUILTY of the very
things which they falsely accuse. What they are doing is negative,
satanic, diabolical. Actually it is NOT "they" -- but Satan
diabolically deceiving and using them -- and a deceived person may
be sincere.
Brethren, I have felt it necessary that you should know
and understand these things, so you may realize WHY I did not yet
fully understand the truth regarding church government and
organization, in February, 1939 -- MORE THAN 35 YEARS AGO --