precious TRUTHS---before; that "The WORLD TOMORROW" is so utterly
DIFFERENT from anything they ever heard. People are ASTONISHED,
just as when Jesus preached they were astonished at the SAME Gospel
in that day. Most of the people being reached are not church-goers
but people who never had an interest in religion. This powerful
broadcast is awakening, stirring THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS into an
interest---and hundreds are being converted---GIVING them-SELVES to
Almighty God, accepting Jesus Christ as personal SAVIOUR!
You'd be THRILLED if you could go along with us and see
and hear what we are learning about the tremendous national and
international influence of this work---its growing POWER---of how
it is changing lives by THOUSANDS. And I know, more positively
than ever, that MILLIONS are listening!
We expect, with God's blessing, to DOUBLE the power and
usefulness of this work this Fall and Winter.
But, again, our Co-Workers are FORGETTING, becoming lax
---MONEY IS FALLING OFF. Fellow Co-Workers, I have personally
obligated myself to very great expense---thousands of dollars a
month---to carry on this great work. I have done it in sheer
FAITH---faith that God will, thru YOU back me up in this
increasingly powerful campaign for souls, and supply every dollar.
PLEASE get under the burden with me---remember YOU HAVE
YOUR PART. God will hold us all responsible together. My office
has just told me over long distance the financial situation at the
moment is SERIOUS. Those of you who are able, I will count on you
to send in AT ONCE, by air-mail or BY TELEGRAPH MONEY-ORDER, the
very LARGEST offerings for God's great cause you can possibly send,
even at great sacrifice. Such wonderful results---those precious
souls I am burying in baptism into Jesus---this harvest of precious
souls---the proclaiming of the TRUE Gospel to MILLIONS---is worth
ANY sacrifice on your part. You'll be laying up treasure in
heaven. So far Mrs. Armstrong and I are the only ones who have
ever made a sacrifice larger than a thousand dollars for this work.
There are SOME of you who could, if willing, send in an offering of
one or perhaps several thousand dollars for this work. If you are
one, will you pray earnestly over it, and act as God directs? Most
of you are only able to send in the widow's mites---and we need a
great downpour of those as we never needed them before. Whether it
is a dollar or two, or several thousand dollars, I'll go
confidently along on this present mission trusting you'll let God
prompt you to RUSH to my office, the largest offering you can make
at this time. And now I must rush to catch that ferry. God bless
all of you!
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong