teachers." (Eph. 4:11 -- RSV.) There are no apostles nor
evangelists in the local churches. ALL ministers, from Apostle on
down, are called Elders in the Bible. It is evident that the
Apostle Paul ordained some elders who were preachers, in charge of
one or more churches. Also, that some who were not preachers were
ordained elders, who were teachers but not preachers in the sense
of inspired or pulpit preaching. Sometimes these were in a small
local church where there was no preaching elder, but who presided
at meetings, and sometimes they were under a preaching elder.
Although the terms "preaching elder" and "local elder" are not
specifically used in this manner, there is sufficient biblical
example that the Church in our day has used those titles for rank
of office.
Those now advocating this Scriptural HERESY want to abolish
all authority which Christ as our Head SET in His Church. Their
contentions would lead to VOTING -- the "democratic way" -- the
very OPPOSITE of God's Way. They want to be "LIBERAL," and soon
this liberality would lead into general and widespread SIN. They
would become just a few more churches OF THIS WORLD -- Satan's
Yes, SATAN is the real author of this rebellion against
God's WORK.
But now to get to the contentions they enumerate. Their
gripes, complaints, or problems, ostensibly fall into four
categories, which I shall outline, and explain:
1) The belated understanding on the part of some of the
ministers, as well as some of the brethren, as to the specific
reasons for Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong's leave of absence early in
1972. Brethren, you all know well that there are TWO sides to most
questions, and you in all probability will now hear only one
prejudicial and unfair side. I ask you to hold an open mind until
you read what I wish to tell you.
Some ministers, getting confused between this world's
politics in the American "democratic" system, and THE WAYS OF GOD,
accused "cover-up"! What the newspapers refer to as "cover-up" is
based on the contention of CRIMINAL and ILLEGAL obstruction of
justice according to man's law. There is no connection whatsoever
between that and the case of my son. When that terrible nightmare
was brought to my attention -- and I did not then myself know of
what are now being alleged as prior events -- I want to ask you,
dear Brethren, how would YOU have felt, had you been in my place ?
You love your children, don't you? Would you feel hurt -- crushed
beyond measure had you been in my place? But I had to be conscious
of the position the living CHRIST had set me in. I HAD TO ACT! No
matter how difficult, no matter how much it hurt, I HAD TO
ADMINISTER JUSTICE! And I say to you truthfully, I DID NOT
I felt like Abraham, not sparing his son -- or God, not
sparing Christ, His dear Son, although the circumstances were
totally different. But I say that, IF it had been Jesus who sinned,
and had to pay the penalty for His OWN sin, instead of YOU and me,