Prophecy says the END will not come until, also, there is
a "falling away" first!
Jesus' parable (Luke 19:11-24) is for OUR TIME, now! It
pertains to Christ going to heaven to receive the Kingdom
officially and then returning. The "pounds" (English money)
represent the SPIRITUAL GOODS Christ has entrusted to each of us
now, while He is in heaven. When He returns, He will demand of
each of us to show how we have used the GIFT of His Holy Spirit --
how much we have CONTRIBUTED to His Work -- the PURPOSE for which
He put us in His Church NOW! He will demand of each of us to show
how much we have grown spiritually in the way of GOD'S LAW -- the
way of CONTRIBUTING AND GIVING. Those who prove disloyal or drop
NOW -- will find themselves in the position of the one described
in verses 20 and 24. They will lose the very salvation they were
trying to GET!
You are each admonished to "make your calling and election
Today, as in the time of the first apostles, MANY DECEIVERS
are gone out into the world. They will ACCUSE God's Church and
His Work. It is Satan the devil who is the accuser of the true
brethren (Rev. 12:10).
Christ's Warning
As it was in the first century -- the days of the original
apostles, when the Church was MULTIPLYING itself in membership
(Acts 6:1) -- so is it destined to be NOW!
Before Jesus answered His disciples as to WHEN the END of
the age and His return would come, He warned them against FALSE
MINISTERS, deceiving the many. If possible, He said, they would
deceive the VERY ELECT -- YOU in God's Church.
As the Apostle Paul warned the elders at Ephesus, "For I
know this, that...grievous wolves shall enter in among you, not
sparing the flock. Also OF YOUR OWN SELVES [the ministers in
God's Church] shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw
away disciples after them. Therefore WATCH"! (Acts 20:29-31.)
Brethren, could this BE God's true Church, and such things
not happen to us? This sort of thing DID HAPPEN to God's TRUE
CHURCH in the very first century. They only PROVE this is GOD'S
Church which He is USING and blessing! But SATAN IS ANGRY.
Satan deceives even some from within us. They will falsely accuse.
They will MISLEAD with false doctrines which they will palm off
As in the days of the Apostle John, "They went out from us,
but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would
no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they
might be made manifest that they were not all of us" (I John 2:19).