widow in Zarephath. Finally, God told Elijah in the third year
to go to King Ahab. In the way Elijah met Obadiah, governor of
the king's palace, who greatly feared God. Elijah told Obadiah
to go tell King Ahab Elijah had come.
But Obadiah feared for his life! He said, "As the Eternal
thy God liveth, there is NO NATION OR KINGDOM whither my lord
[King Ahab] hath not sent to seek thee: and when they said, He
is not there; he took an oath of the kingdom and nation, that
they found thee not" (I Kings 18:10).
Ahab's servants did not inquire or take an oath of the sheep-
herders, farmers, or common people. Obviously, Ahab's men went
directly to the KING of each nation, indicating that Elijah was
known to the kings of the earth in his day.
Today, after 40 years, the DOORS TO THESE NATIONS ARE OPENING
one after another, faster than I can get to them! THIS IS
And now, PUBLIC APPEARANCE CAMPAIGNS are planned already in
THREE nations, sponsored by officials high in the governments of
these nations. Already I have gotten the MESSAGE OF THE KINGDOM
OF GOD to audiences of 55 to 100 of each nation's LEADERS in
banquets or dinners in India, Japan, Thailand, South Vietnam,
Ethiopia, and the Philippines.
This is positively miraculous! It is GOD'S DOING!
God had a SPECIAL MISSION for His first-century apostles --
giving personal eyewitness proof of the RESURRECTION of Christ,
as well as proclaiming the Good News of the KINGDOM OF GOD.
From then until 1934, the Church existed, comparatively
small in number, persecuted, unable to proclaim the KINGDOM OF
GOD to the world.
WHY You Are Called NOW
But now, once again, there is a dynamic, super-important
all the world as a witness to ALL NATIONS, just before the END
OF THIS AGE -- and also to prepare the way for Christ's Second
And, just as God caused His Church in the first century
to GROW RAPIDLY, even to MULTIPLY in numbers (until the
persecution set in) -- to BACK THE APOSTLES, support them
financially, support them by fervent prayers -- EVEN SO God
caused His Church of our day to GROW at the phenomenal rate
of 30% a year, multiplying itself in numbers eight times in
eight years -- 64 times in 16 years, 4,096 times in 32 years --
and maintain that rate of growth over a 35-year span in OUR TIME.
WHY? -- to make possible and to support this very SPECIAL