year reign with Him, that He will set His hand to SAVE THE WORLD!
Notice next Isaiah 11. Verses 1 through 5 show Christ as the
righteous Ruler and Judge. Verses 6 through 9 show the wild
animals tamed, and the earth as full of Christ's KNOWLEDGE as the
ocean beds are full of water. Verse 10 shows the Gentile nations
seeking CHRIST and salvation. Verses 11 through 16 show Christ
setting His hand to save Israel and the whole world -- during the
Meaning of Annual Festivals
The annual Festivals of God picture GOD'S PLAN for working
out His PURPOSE here below.
The Passover pictures the crucifixion of Christ. The
wavesheaf on the morrow after the weekly Sabbath during the Days
of Unleavened Bread pictures the RISEN Christ being accepted (His
sacrifice for our sins and His resurrection) of God. The Days
of Unleavened Bread picture putting away sin. The Feast of
Firstfruits (Pentecost), the first small preliminary spiritual
harvest. The Feast of Trumpets, Christ's Second Coming. The
Day of Atonement, Satan being put away. The Feast of Tabernacles,
the GREAT SPIRITUAL HARVEST -- Christ setting His hand to offer
salvation to the WHOLE WORLD. The final Holy Day pictures the
Great White Throne Judgment -- the resurrection of all to whom
salvation had not been offered, and their time of salvation or
rejection of it.
The Bible teaches that this now is SATAN'S world -- that
Satan has DECEIVED all nations; that he has deceived them into
accepting him as their GOD -- being blinded as to the true Christ
and His GOSPEL.
Not Just Another Church
Brethren, do we not find ourselves taking for granted that
the churches in what is called "Christianity" are also God's
churches -- that WE are just another of the many denominations,
the only difference being that we hold to some different
THAT IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE! We in GOD'S Church are not just
one of all these churches. They are of this world. They do not
have, or know, or proclaim Christ's Gospel -- the message God
sent to the world BY CHRIST, as the MESSENGER. Of course, Satan
counterfeits the Gospel and God's Truth. He lets his churches
have a little truth. But they are DECEIVED and OF this world.
But, YOU, brethren, "are a chosen generation" -- yes, SPECIFICALLY
chosen for a very SPECIAL commission -- "a ROYAL priesthood, an
holy nation, a peculiar people. ." (I Peter 2:9).
The world as a whole -- with its churches which call them-
selves "Christian" -- are DECEIVED. God has allowed it. God has
not called them. They do not know THE WAY to real salvation.
They do not know even WHAT real salvation is! THIS IS NOT GOD'S