He told me how his country had suffered -- three million
were killed -- six million homes were destroyed -- more than one
and a half million farm families were left without tools or animals
to work their farms. The transportation and communication systems
were totally destroyed. Roads badly damaged, bridges knocked out,
inland waterways blocked. He described the basic need of FOOD --
education -- every basic need. The educated had been
systematically killed by thousands. Now education is a dire need.
He lamented the fact that the major nations are spending so much of
their resources for military purposes of KILLING, and giving only
lip service to the improvement of the lives of the overwhelming
majority of all mankind.
We discussed the possibility of possible cooperation in
some way with Ambassador College.
After lunch, Mr. Rader, who always accompanies me,
Professor Gotoh and I had a private meeting with the Head-of-State,
President Aby Sabeed Choudhury. He is a former Justice of the
Supreme Court.
The President asked me frankly for my appraisal of what I
had seen of his country. When I hesitated, he smiled, and said he
wanted my frank and honest appraisal. I told him that it appeared
to me to be the most impoverished country I had seen. I added that
I had involuntarily uttered the prayer, on seeing it, "Thy Kingdom
come" -- as the real answer to the plight of the country. He said
he knew quite a little of Ambassador College, of our worldwide
Work, and of me personally, and then:
"Mr. Armstrong, I want to appeal to you for your candid
counsel and advice. I know of your contacts with so many leaders
of government and their problems, your wide experience, your age
and wisdom. You can see the colossal problems we have here,
struggling with the reconstruction of this nation of 75 million
impoverished people."
This was not the first time a head of a government over
many millions of people has asked me for counsel and advice in
trying to solve their virtually unsolvable problems. And I think
our Great God will show me a way to help -- at least to uplift the
MORALE, the SPIRITS and the HOPE of those MILLIONS of poor, down-
trodden people. In spite of their tragic recent war, their spirits
right now seem good -- they, with India's help, won the war, and
their FREEDOM from a most CRUEL rule. A very large portion of
their people understand English. If the President, the Prime
Minister, and present government will allow, I think it might help
the spirits and morale of the people greatly if I took to the air
over their government RADIO, admonishing them, as in James 5:1-11.
The GREAT HOPE of all the world, now, is THE COMING OF THE LORD
JESUS CHRIST, to bring the world not only PEACE, but universal
prosperity. Perhaps this President may see that THE GOSPEL will
give his people more hope and encouragement than anything.
Then, in addition, I think I have contacts that may result
in a big industrial development there that would greatly help the