And there, hosted by Dr. Nagendra Singh, former Executive Secretary
to President V. V. Giri, and now Judge of the WORLD COURT at The
Hague, was another similar banquet. This time it was ATTENDED by
100 among the most distinguished people of that great nation. This
time I spoke with power and authority, until I wondered if I had
spoken with such authority that many would be offended. But all
comment afterward was very favorable, and I heard of no one being
offended. I'm sure, however, it was the "strongest medicine" ever
to enter their ears! And I felt that, even if we could go no
further in India, that country had had God's last Message delivered
to those RESPONSIBLE for the minds and attitude of the 550 MILLION
people. I told them bluntly, by authority of the Creator God,
creator of the people of India, that they were RESPONSIBLE for what
they had just heard!
Let me take space to give you just a glimpse of some of
the things I said:
First, I mentioned the terrible state of affairs on earth,
and said there had to be a CAUSE for all this poverty, and
ignorance and violence, and war, and suffering on earth. Then
how I had PROVED the existence of the living God, creator of the
people of India and of all humanity, and how the living God had
revealed to me the CAUSE of all the world's terrible EVILS and the
suffering of humanity. Then I outlined the incident of the
forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden -- how our first parents
DISBELIEVED their Maker, rejected His Law, rejected Him, took to
themselves the knowledge of what is good and what is evil. I
explained how God's invisible SPIRITUAL LAW (the Law of LOVE --
The Ten Commandments) was set in motion to CAUSE peace, happiness,
abundant well-being. But because man rebelled, and has lived the
selfish way of vanity, lust and greed, envy, jealousy, competition
and strife, mankind has CAUSED all the world's EVILS. Now God
calls on all to REPENT of this self-centered way, and turn to our
Creator and HIS WAY of life. I spoke 40 minutes up to this point.
Then, I said science cannot solve our terrible problems
-- government cannot -- education has not given the answer nor
have religions. Scientists say man's only HOPE for human survival
now is a super WORLD GOVERNMENT ruling all nations. Yet they say
such a world government is IMPOSSIBLE. Five means of mass
destruction now exist that can erase all life from the earth.
I then said that God has allocated 6,000 years to allow mankind to
go his own way, to PROVE that man's selfish, competitive way of
strife brings only human misery, suffering, and evils. Then I
stated with all the power God gave me that I was the representative
of the Great God, and that I was there to warn them that the 6,000
years are just about up, and that God would very soon
supernaturally INTERVENE, and send the Messiah, Christ, in supreme
power and glory to SET UP THAT WORLD-RULING GOVERNMENT, to rule
with GOD'S GOVERNMENT -- and His Laws that will CAUSE peace,
happiness, and universal well-being, for the next thousand years on
earth. That the nations would FIGHT against Him, but that God will
FORCE a rebellious humanity to have PEACE, prosperity, and
happiness. This, I said, is the Message of THE KINGDOM OF GOD.
Their ears had heard it, and they were going to be held accountable
for what they do with it. I said, with POWER, that I spoke BY