Page 1978 - Church of God Publications

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the other the way of "GIVE." Putting it in that language, it
is UNDERSTOOD -- and MAKES SENSE. I show that all mankind has
been living the "GET" way. Soon these leaders want their people
to hear this message.
In Ethiopia, at a luncheon in my honor, attended by
Ambassadors and wives from 19 nations, I explained this cause of
all world trouble -- and the response was VERY favorable. It
brought an invitation from the Ambassador from Peking to visit
Peking and the leaders of the Government of China (People's
Republic of China). I wrote you a month ago of the meeting in
Bangkok, and the enthusiastic reception of this message there.
The Ambassador from Korea asked me to come to Seoul and meet
his President as soon as possible.
At Tokyo a week later was the banquet attended by a most
distinguished group of some 58 people high in the Government and
educational institutions of Japan. This included Prince and
Princess Mikasa, Dr. and Mrs. Ohama, officially the number one
private couple of Japan, the Presidents of the two most
prestigious universities, and members of the Cabinet and the Diet.
A week later a similar banquet in Saigon, with more than
a fourth of the entire Senate there, besides leading educators and
citizens and their wives -- SAME MESSAGE!
is CHRIST'S Gospel, that has NOT been proclaimed before in those
Brethren and Co-Workers, GOD HAS OPENED THE DOOR TO GET
HIS GOSPEL INTO THESE NATIONS! Radio, television, advertising in
newspapers are closed to us in such countries. HOW, I prayed
earnestly to God, are we ever to get the Gospel into those
countries? I did not realize three or four years ago that these
personal meetings with heads of state were leading to the very
We were barred from getting the Message to the common
people in those great nations. But, before I realized it, God
was using me to get it into those nations, STARTING AT THE VERY
TOP! In such a nation, where we cannot reach the minds of the
great masses of common people, GOD holds the kings, presidents,
or prime ministers RESPONSIBLE! In fact, in God's eyes, THE KING
(or president or prime minister) IS THE KINGDOM.
But this GREAT WORK of God is now going FURTHER!
It is going from the top down to the GRASS ROOTS of the
common people! The very FIRST of my own "Public Appearances" in
world capitals is to be in Saigon. We have just gotten the U.S.
soldiers out of there. Now we shall replace the WAR MAKING
forces from America, with the GOSPEL OF PEACE!
The first public meetings are set for next February 21,