I do not think events will take this turn immediately.
I do think these events will start the minds of European
leaders, and in the Vatican, to THINKING, and sooner or later,
result in this long prophesied resurrection of the "HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE" of 554 A.D. to 1814 A.D.
Meanwhile, MASSIVE DOORS are being opened by the living
Christ for His Work.
So let me bring you up-to-date on the STATE OF GOD'S WORK:
Many of you heard a report of the State of the Work at the
recent fall Festival -- but there is now even more to report.
(News of the recent fall Festival appears in The GOOD NEWS -- a
monthly magazine you may receive free upon request.)
Our biggest problem, in getting Christ's own Gospel to
the world, has been the problem of HOW TO GET IT INTO THE GREAT
GENTILE NATIONS -- such as China, India, Russia, Japan, Indonesia
-- the South American countries, those in Africa and Southeast
These nations do NOT have a free press. They CONTROL the
minds and thinking of their people to a very great degree. Radio,
television, newspapers, are all GOVERNMENT OPERATED AND CONTROLLED.
Several years ago we were able to purchase time on Radio
Ceylon. It gave us practically no coverage in India. We did
receive requests for literature from far East Malaysia and
Singapore, and from East Africa -- but that coverage did not
remotely compare with the intensive way we have been getting the
Message to most parts of the United States and Canada. We were on
Radio Goa for a while -- a very small Portuguese Colony on the West
coast of India -- but it did not get the true Gospel into India.
Chiang Kai-shek's station in Formosa never really reached the
masses of China.
In Britain we were on the ship stations off the coast of
the British Isles, for a time. But that did not get Christ's
Message into Britain even remotely comparing to our U.S. coverage.
The past three or four years I have been praying
intensively that God would show me HOW to get His vital Message
these nations around the world.
Some might ask, "But haven't they all HEARD the Gospel?"
The true answer is, ABSOLUTELY NOT!
You may ask, "Haven't the Protestants, and Church of
England, proclaimed the Gospel all over the British Isles?"
People simply do not realize how this whole world has been
DECEIVED (Rev. 12:9, 17:1-2, 18:3, 20:3). Just a very few years
after Christ's resurrection and ascension to heaven, the churches