their move. For some time, the Russians have been showing they
are looking for any and every opportunity to move into power in
the Middle East -- to control the Mediterranean, the Suez Canal,
the Middle East Arab oil fields. They have ships and submarines
in the Mediterranean. This forced the U.S. to move a fleet into
alert in the Mediterranean.
On October 6th, the Israelis' most holy day of the year
-- a day of fasting -- the Arabs attacked on the two fronts.
Premier Kosygin was secretly conferring with President
Sadat in Cairo. October 10, the Soviet began shuttling planes,
tanks, missiles and munitions to the Arabs, hoping for a knockout
of Israel.
On Saturday, October 13, the U.S. began airlifting tanks,
planes, and munitions to Israel. October 16, Kosygin again in
Cairo: Returned to Moscow on the l9th. About this same time, on
the heels of the U.S. show of force by airlifting war supplies to
Israel, President Nixon served notice on Russia that the U.S.
would not allow Israel to be defeated.
The Communists never back down except by show of FORCE.
Upon Mr. Nixon's declaration, preceded by show of force, Moscow
sent an urgent message to Mr. Nixon to send Kissinger to Moscow
immediately. At the same time the tide of battle shifted in
favor of the Israelis.
Once again, it became apparent the Kremlin had bet on
the wrong horse. They did not intend to aid the Arabs a step
further than it served the SOVIET purpose. So, with Kissinger,
they called on the U.N. Security Council to demand a cease-fire
But the cease-fire, though agreed to by Israel and Egypt,
did not remain. Shooting soon resumed.
This gave the Soviets the excuse to start moving their
own massive military force into the Middle East to take over.
Knowing that the United States in all probability would not
join in sending its own military force into the Middle East,
the Kremlin then proposed to the U.S. that Russia and the U.S.,
together and unilaterally send their forces into the Middle
East "to enforce the ceasefire." Immediately President Nixon
issued a statement that the U.S. would not send its military
forces into the Middle East.
Mr. Kissinger said in his Press Conference this morning
that in the last two days events had taken a sudden turn for
the worse. He said it was inconceivable that the U.S. and
Russia combine unilaterally to send into the Middle East a
force great enough to overpower the combined forces of Israel
and the Arabs. He said the United States was prepared to
agree to a United Nations force, not including any of the
permanent members of the Security Council (in other words,
not including any nuclear nation), and warning the Soviet
the U.S. will not stand still and allow the Russians to