Page 1967 - Church of God Publications

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but they did not preach His MESSAGE -- His GOSPEL! No one else but
this Work proclaims it NOW to the world! There may be dozens of
programs that claim to be "Gospel Programs" -- BUT THE GOSPEL GOD
I want you to realize how GOD intends His Message to go.
God's Old Testament prophets, such as Isaiah, Jeremiah,
Daniel, etc., took God's Message to KINGS, who represented their
nations. But where do you find any record that they went out and
preached to the masses of the people? They carried Messages to the
kings, and they WROTE their prophecies FOR US in the Bible. For
examples, notice Isaiah 37:1 2; II Kings 19:1-2; II Kings 20:1,
4-6; Isaiah 38:1, 4-8; and II Chronicles 32:20.
Jeremiah was sent to kings. Daniel was sent to kings. God
called the Apostle Paul to "bear my name before the Gentiles, and
kings, and the children of Israel" (Acts 9:15).
And now, kings, presidents, prime ministers and leaders of
many nations are inviting me.
Last Wednesday night, in Bangkok, capital of Thailand, I
was given just such an opportunity. I did not know of it in
advance. But a banquet was held in a special banquet room of my
hotel in my honor. Present were Ambassadors representing the
governments of Japan, Korea, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Israel, the
President of the University, and Her Royal Highness the wife of the
recent Prince Regent of Thailand, and other important guests.
I was given a very warm -- even emotional -- introduction,
and asked to speak. I had no idea how long I was expected to
speak, so I confined it to exactly 12 minutes. But I spoke
earnestly and God gave me power.
I will give you a quick summary of what I said:
"One who travels over the world, as I have, is forced to
see the pitiful condition in which a majority of all people on
earth live -- in utter ignorance, deep poverty, semi or total
starvation, wracked with disease, living in filth and squalor. I
have to ask, WHY? You people should be concerned about it! We
have mind power to fly to the moon and back -- yet we find the
majority living in such conditions -- we can't solve our own
problems here on earth -- we don't know how to have PEACE! WHY?
Even where people are educated and prosperous, they are not happy!
"For every effect," I said, "there had to be a CAUSE.
Years ago, I made surveys. I learned people are not happy. WHY?
I finally found the answer -- IN THE BIBLE! It's a book people
have refused to understand -- which people have interpreted all
out of natural and intended meaning -- but taken for what it
plainly says I found it MAKES SENSE -- and ANSWERS THE BIG
QUESTIONS! It contains the MISSING DIMENSION in knowledge.
The world doesn't know: What we ARE -- WHY we are -- the
PURPOSE for which humanity was put on earth -- HOW to fulfill