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Publisher of The PLAIN TRUTH Magazine
An educational service at all levels
for all people worldwide
February 27, 1973
Dear Co-Workers in the
Work of the living GOD:
So many things have crowded in on my mind recently I did
not realize it was past time for my monthly letter and report on
the end time Work of God. I am on the Texas campus, and will
telephone this letter to my secretary at Pasadena, so it can be
mailed immediately from there.
I remember this same thing happened once before, two or
three years ago, when I was in Washington, D.C. I telephoned a
very brief SOS letter to the office in Pasadena, and you responded
I will just take space to say that we are at the end of the
shortest month of the year -- fewer days to receive income, yet a
full month's expenditures must be met. And I have to remind you
that normally only about 45% of the year's income is received in
the first six months, but close to 55% of the year's budget has to
be paid out in that same six months. Unless you stand back of me
and Jesus Christ, the HEAD of this great Work, loyally and
generously we will be heading into a serious financial crisis in
another 30 days.
As I reported a month ago requests for the gospel literature
and subscriptions to The PLAIN TRUTH have been breaking all records
-- and this has continued during February. In fact, one week we
broke all records for a single week, receiving ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND
new requests in THE ONE WEEK! There is now every indication that
we may have as many as TEN THOUSAND new conversions this year --
and I mean real repentant believers whose lives have been CHANGED
-- who shall have been baptized and heading into the Kingdom of God
and eternal life! We expect the greatest spiritual harvest in the
history of this great Work this year.
I have many things to report, most of which you will be
hearing on the Sunday broadcast or the May issue of The PLAIN
TRUTH. The new activities in this Work are getting well under way.
The DAILY TV programs already are bringing in more requests for The
PLAIN TRUTH and booklets than the radio stations, although we are
on only a little more than 50 TV stations, of which only about half
are DAILY, while we broadcast on more than 200 radio stations.
The WORK is producing giant results, larger than ever