November 21, 1972
Dear Co-Workers and Brethren:
Everything is now looking UP! This great worldwide Work
is fast taking on NEW LIFE -- new vitality -- new POWER -- new
ENTHUSIASM! Important new doors are being opened to reach
additional MILLIONS of people -- especially in nations we have
heretofore reached very sparsely -- such as Japan, the
Scandinavian nations, and the Arab nations.
I want personally to tell you in advance, of the special
39th anniversary offer coming in the February, 1973, PLAIN TRUTH.
We plan to publish a special booklet -- (sent free -- of
course -- no price) -- to go hand in hand with a coming daily
television-radio series by Garner Ted Armstrong on the much
discussed, much written about, but perhaps MOST MISUNDERSTOOD
subject of SEX. In 1964 I wrote and published a 324-page book
on the subject, and last year I published a revised edition
titled "The Missing Dimension in Sex."
The forthcoming booklet will give a plain-spoken description
of sex in today's society. Immorality is at an all-time high.
You may, or may not realize it, but YOUR CHILDREN are being
constantly bombarded on every side by SEX in a subtle manner that
they -- or even YOU -- may be unaware of. In one form or another
SEX is being constantly hurled at them, on television, in movies,
in advertising, in magazines and books they may read, from their
peers -- and all from improper and uninformed sources.
It is impossible to estimate the DAMAGE that may result.
This new booklet will help parents to cope with this modern
danger. It will explain the pitfalls and dangers subtly involved
in changing modern attitudes, in permissiveness, in the influences
brought to bear on every side.
I feel that this new booklet fills a VITAL and URGENT NEED!
With today's mixed up world in the throes of a moral revolution,
I feel that the need for this missing dimension is desperately
In addition to this forthcoming booklet, I am now beginning
work on the long-planned first volume of three instruction books
on this subject -- one for children ages 6-7, one for those around
10, and one for young teenagers. These will offer parents a much
needed help in the proper teaching of their children. I hope to
have at least the first volume, for the little children, ready by