March more than 2 1/2 years ago. I AM going to have to call on you
for a DIFFERENT KIND of sacrifice than a crippling financial one.
When we face a serious or alarming situation, there is a
CAUSE -- and the cure is to find the CAUSE and cure that, rather
than treat with the result. The place to find it is the THRONE OF
GRACE. I have gone there. As I said in my recent letter, Satan
has hit us with THREE MAJOR BLOWS in the past year. I know that
these, coming one immediately on the heels of the other, brought a
certain discouragement, a LETTING DOWN in our ZEAL for God's Work.
I know that it caused a tendency toward LETTING DOWN IN
PRAYER -- in BIBLE STUDY, and consequently in that zeal and
willingness to sacrifice for GOD'S WORK. We don't blame GOD in
situations like this. We don't blame OURSELVES! We blame PEOPLE
-- perhaps those God uses at the top, or we blame CIRCUMSTANCES!
Brethren, God allows such circumstances to TEST US! I
explained in my sermons at most Feast sites where I spoke, that
there are TWO times of TRYING AND TESTING prophesied to come IN
THESE LAST DAYS. The first is on GOD'S PEOPLE, to test us, that
we may be made STRONGER spiritually, not weaker! Daniel foretold
it: At the "...time of the end many shall be purified, and made
white and tried; ..." (Daniel 12:9-10). Also, in Revelation 12,
"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the
Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out
into the earth, and his angels (demons) were cast out with him.
... And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he
persecuted the woman..." -- that is, GOD'S CHURCH. (Rev. 12:7-14.)
Later is to come the GREAT TRIBULATION, on the English-speaking
nations, and on the whole world. But if WE are faithful in OUR
testing, now, we shall be PROTECTED from that coming FAR MORE
TERRIBLE TRIBULATION, in which not a single human being would be
saved alive unless God cuts short those days. And He will
intervene and save humanity alive "FOR THE ELECT'S SAKE."
Brethren, WE are that Elect. One of God's purposes in having
raised up this "Philadelphia era" of His Church -- one of His
reasons for having called YOU, NOW, is to SAVE HUMANITY ALIVE!
Brethren, DO WE FULLY REALIZE the MAGNITUDE of that -- the
GREAT, TREMENDOUS PURPOSE for OUR having been called to salvation
DO WE? Are we SURE?
WHAT is our Great Commission that the living Christ is
carrying on through US? It is, FIRST, to proclaim to the whole
world the good NEWS that GOD'S KINGDOM -- His world-ruling
GOVERNMENT -- is soon coming to RULE ALL NATIONS, and to bring
world PEACE, and SALVATION to humanity. That means CHRIST'S
COMING in supreme POWER and GLORY -- to RULE! And so, combined
with that FIRST Great Commission is the great Mission to PREPARE
THE WAY for this second Coming of Christ, as John the Baptist
prepared the way before His first coming, more than 1900 years
The SECOND phase of our Great Commission is to FEED THE