booklets containing God's true vital Message, free of any charge
God's PLAN for financing His Work is thru the tithes and
offerings of His people. This is THEIR sacrifice---their happy,
joyful way of GIVING, in order that thru this great work God has
raised up, the GOSPEL may be GIVEN to millions. And God loves
The most effective and far-reaching means of going into all
the world and preaching the Gospel today is by utilizing the
facilities of RADIO and the PRINTING PRESS.
These modern facilities, however, can be wastefully employed,
or efficiently and effectively used. We believe God has given us
understanding and wisdom--and the EXPERIENCE--to be able to use
these facilities with the greatest power and effectiveness, at the
least possible cost--the greatest maximum efficiency in the
handling of God's business.
Some radio stations, for example, while the charge for time is
not in itself large, yet are tremendously expensive and wasteful of
God's precious money because they give but very small listening
audiences. The important thing is the LARGE NUMBER REACHED with
the Gospel, and the COST PER THOUSAND PEOPLE REACHED. We have
learned how to avoid WASTE of radio money in reaching the world
with God's Message. Personally, I know of no program reaching any-
where near so vast an audience with so small a sum of money.
In addition to the powerful West-Coast stations, we use, every
night except Saturday, at the BEST hour when MOST people listen,
the two MOST POWERFUL RADIO STATIONS in North America--two and
three times as powerful as is permitted within the United States!
Our daily mail received indicates an average weekly listening
audience of around FIVE MILLION LISTENERS! Think of it! That's
a truly vast, tremendous listening audience!
And here's the most amazing thing of all! God has blessed us
in so efficiently working out the program that EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR
put into this work actually reaches TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE with the
precious Gospel!
THINK OF IT! Is there anything else you can do with a single
dollar that is as important, or doing as much good, or making it
spread so far, as carrying God's vital last-minute Gospel Message
to TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE? Many of them reached, not only by radio,
but by print as well!
Before we started the campaign of every-night broadcasting, we
were reaching an average of one thousand people with every dollar
put into the work. The every-night program has so increased the
interest and size of the audience that now our daily mail-count
indicates TWO THOUSAND precious souls actually reached with every
Yet, to keep on reaching a weekly total of five million, it
does take a good many of these dollars every week.
Friends, Co-Workers, OUR TIME IS SHORT! It is LATER THAN WE
THINK! This lull in between World War II, and the final great
ATOMIC WAR now acknowledged by leading observers in Washington as
a definite possibility within FIVE YEARS, is the most dangerous
time of our history!
hell-bent on an orgy of amusement and entertainment--of eating and
drinking and making merry--of marriage and divorce and re-marriage
--of mad money-making and materialism! Mrs. Armstrong and I have