world, and since Nimrod the kingdoms have built civilizations
based upon the Devil's ways of SELF, and of GET, contrary to
God's ways of LOVE, of OBEDIENCE, and of GIVE, as defined in
God's LAW.
So God formed Abraham's children into A NATION, giving them
HIS LAWS, to show how a nation would be blessed that would build
its civilization according to His Commandments. At Mt. Sinai
Israel was united to the Lord in MARRIAGE, as HIS GOVERNMENT,
both state and church.
But when Israel went after the ways of other nations, breaking
the Commandments, God DIVORCED Israel, and gave over the GOVERNMENT
(which included CHURCH GOVERNMENT as well as state) to the Gentile
kingdoms symbolized by Daniel's image and the four "beasts." He
gave the government into Gentile hands UNTIL THE SECOND COMING OF
CHRIST, when the government, church and state, shall be RESTORED to
When Jesus comes with POWER and great glory---power to RULE,
and the SAINTS possess the kingdoms of this world---He will make
a NEW Covenant with Israel and Judah, which NEW Covenant will be
As the Old Covenant MARRIAGE ceremony set up Israel as a
NATION, so will the new.
Now to WHOM will Christ be married, at the Marriage of the
Lamb? Notice it, IN YOUR OWN BIBLE---Revelation 19:7---He shall
marry HIS W I F E! Note it!!!
Yes, His WIFE whom He divorced. A wife who is divorced is not
free to remarry until the death of her husband! And so Christ,
Israel's husband, DIED to REDEEM ISRAEL! And now Israel is FREE
to marry AGAIN!
And who will the New Covenant be made with? Notice Hebrews
8:8---with Israel His wife He made the first covenant---but later
Then He shall RESTORE the kingdom to Israel---both Church
government and state. Christ will reign not only as King of kings,
but also as LORD OF LORDS---Church government, as well as state!
Christ's FIRST coming was to REDEEM---not to restore.
Jesus never set up an organization, nor did He establish any
church GOVERNMENT. He did not RE-ORGANIZE the Church!
Instead, He came calling INDIVIDUAL disciples out from among
the church organizations, sects, and denominations---out from among
the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes---out from among
worldly Gentile organizations and contacts---He called His saints
The very word "ekklesia" from which "Church" is translated,
means "called-out ones" as well as "assembly."
The New Testament Church is not a kingdom---not a church
government---but an assembly of individuals CALLED OUT---Spirit-
filled individuals, and therefore a SPIRITUAL ORGANISM, not an
The OBJECT of the Church is not to build up an organization,
or a movement. Let us see this great purpose clearly.
The CHURCH is Israelitish. Not a Gentile Church just called
"Israel." It IS Israel. But those who do not come by faith, and
who are disobedient, are CUT OFF, the Israelitish-born, while
Gentile converts, thru Christ, are ADOPTED into Israel. Thus,
spiritually speaking, Israel IS the CHURCH.
And it is the CHURCH who shall be married to Christ---Israel