local hired halls, that there might be means to get Christ's
Gospel out to the whole world.
But I did feel, more than ten years ago, that we should --
if God so willed -- have at least ONE local church building at the
Headquarters of God's great Work. And, further, that this one
HEADQUARTERS building MUST BY ALL MEANS be of a superb quality and
character to glorify and HONOR our Great God who is Creator, Ruler,
Sustainer, Teacher.
I knew that, of necessity, it would have to include the
dual function of serving as the Ambassador College auditorium --
for college assemblies and forums each week, as well as for
occasional -- perhaps annual -- special events, such as musical
Although I have written you many times, during the past ten
years or more, about this auditorium-House for God, there are some
factors we had to take into consideration which may not have been
From the very first, I began to pray earnestly about it
-- but not once did I ASK FOR IT DIRECTLY, nor plead with God to
let us have it. I wanted it -- IF, and ONLY if -- God wanted us
to build it. Although this is in NO MEANS even remotely to be
compared to God's Temple, which David desired, and God had Solomon
build at Jerusalem, yet it is to be GOD'S HOUSE -- the place of
worship for His Headquarters Church and whatever brethren might
be visiting here over a Sabbath. Therefore, if built at all, it
would have to be the very finest in quality and character and
beauty that we might be able to build.
Through the years, I continued to PRAY about it, committing
it entirely to God's will. I asked Him to provide the financing
to build it IF He wanted it built.
Meanwhile we began planning, as we prayed, and asking God's
guidance in this planning, so that we would be ready to proceed,
if and when God gave us the GO-AHEAD by providing the means.
The very first consideration was this: The character and
quality of it was of far greater importance than size, or bigness.
The Temple God had Solomon build was probably the FINEST, most
SUPERB building in quality ever constructed on earth -- but scores
and scores of cathedrals and church buildings on earth today are
much BIGGER. It is said that it would cost, today, about FIVE
THOUSANDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to build. We knew that whatever
God had us build would cost only an infinitesimal tiny FRACTION
of that. Yet, it MUST be one that, compared to buildings of our
day, would stand in quality and character and beauty as a
monument to our God. It could not be of inferior materials or
It therefore had to be a finer quality than our other
college buildings -- or than we would build if it were ONLY the
College auditorium. That was one consideration.