May 31, 1972
Dear Brethren of God's Church:
I'm writing this special letter to express, if I possibly
can, the combined feelings of vast relief, thanksgiving, humility,
and joy over the events of these past few months.
My father, along with several of the Vice Presidents of
the Work and Mr. Rader, our General Counsel and Financial Adviser
were here only a few hours ago in the little "A-frame" my wife and
I have been renting for several months in the mountains of
It was one of the most important days in all my life --
and, I really hope and pray, an important day for the Work of our
Savior for this age.
As I write, I know my father has already told a few close
friends in Pasadena preparatory to an announcement he will make
this coming Friday night in Bible study that I am to begin radio
broadcasting, television programs, writing, and other duties
almost immediately -- that he has written a letter to you Brethren,
making the same announcement, and that, if I can get this letter
to him in time, he will include my thoughts to you. He is
announcing not only that I will be back on radio and TV soon, but
that a whole new format is to begin, which I have wanted
desperately to do for many years. It will not really be so "new,"
after all, but rather much more like the format of the broadcasts
my father was doing when I was but a boy, and very much like many
of the newer programs he has been doing of recent date. Not only
on radio, but on television, I hope to begin more of the hard
hitting, straightforward Biblical and prophetic messages which make
our program absolutely unique in this world. I hope, through God's
own help, these new programs will be more powerful as witness for
the soon coming Ruler and King of this earth Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, than ever before! God truly does now "command all men
everywhere to REPENT." His time has come to get that message to
the world.
Brethren of God, I know there were literally thousands of
you praying for this Work -- and even for me, personally, during
these past months. I needed those prayers, like a member of any
family needs the loving concern of all the other members if he is
in sore trial. I know through many experiences that God Almighty
was working with me -- that the very purpose for my drawing breath
on this earth is to give myself utterly to His own Work -- that
God, Himself, was rendering a decision. It was as if He had said,
"I will yet use you to MY honor and glory -- to MY purpose -- you
are NOT YOUR OWN, you are BOUGHT WITH A PRICE!" I know Christ