Page 1869 - Church of God Publications

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"It does not appear especially sensible to seek information
on the workings of an organization, especially a church, by asking
the opinions of apostates and/or dissidents. I would challenge
correspondent _________ to publicly indicate the name of the church
of which she is a member or if she even paid any tithes in the
past year.
"I can only fault Herbert W. Armstrong in one area and that
is his failure to heed the scriptural direction found in Matthew,
Chapter 7, verse 6.
"Oh yes, one other item, I am NOT a member of the Worldwide
Church of God. My only contact with them has been to listen to
some of their radio broadcasts and to read a few of their free
magazines. My prime interest in this is that old American custom
-- fair play -- or has correspondent _______ even heard of it.
Sincerely, _______."
From Fall River, Mass., a Co-Worker writes: "Was I shocked
yesterday when I turned the page in my _______ and saw Garner Ted
Armstrong's picture! I was even more shocked and furious as I read
the article and to the place which said that the Church of God "is
a stern, bizarre sect founded in 1934 ... by Garner Ted's father
Herbert W. Armstrong. The article was nothing but a pack of lies
and insults, and I was very upset about it because it will give
thousands of people a totally false idea about the Work. I assure
you that I am praying for the Work and for the Armstrongs in this
time of trial. ... And finally, enclosed is my tithe and offering.
... I am proud to be a part of God's Work."
Here is a letter from a young woman whose mother is a member
of the Worldwide Church of God: "I have just finished reading the
______ article. Mr. Armstrong, I don't know how to word an
encouraging letter to you because you encourage me so much. But,
please don't be a bit discouraged by these damning articles. One
day, those poor (and may I say ignorant?) people will be very
repentant to God's people.
"I'm not looking forward to that time because of that reason
alone but it's a fact.
"Thank you for being so strong during this trial. It's made
me stronger and made me 'wake up.' Please don't be discouraged
and we are praying about and for you and Mr. Ted Armstrong. Love
and encouragement, _________"
The following is a longer letter, but I feel you will profit
by reading every word. It is from a Catholic nun, living with many
others, in a nuns' house. It shows a beautiful and loving
"Received your letter dated April 26. It must have been
with a bleeding heart that you had to make such a crucial and
painful announcement about your dear son Ted. As I read the
letter, tears streamed down my cheeks, fully knowing well how you
feel and what you are undergoing.