This year many vitally important doors have opened. Very
important television and radio stations have opened to us. I have
had personal meetings with many heads of state and world leaders
in many parts of the world.
It has been a year of reaping a BOUNTEOUS HARVEST in the
Work -- thousands of lives have been CHANGED.
In the world, it has been a very EVENTFUL year. Crime
has leaped to an alarming increase; immorality has accelerated;
divorce has increased greatly; the world is more pleasure mad
than ever; wars flare up, and threat of resuming war in the
Middle East; conditions in North Ireland are frightening; the
nations of Europe are moving much faster toward resurrecting
the old "Holy Roman Empire." The END of this world COULD come
quickly -- during this very decade! Then, WORLD PEACE will
Now the Work faces a serious CRISIS during January.
People have spent more lavishly, by far, than ever before
Christmas gifts back and forth. They will be trying to make up
for it during January, and that will make January a mighty tight
squeeze, financially, for this great Work.
I ask you to PRAY, earnestly, for this financial situation,
that the Work may not have to suffer. We NEED, urgently, to get
back to a 30% increase in the income for the Work during 1972.
Will you PRAY to that end, and be as generous as you are able,
besides? Please do take it seriously.
With much love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong