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regular mailing list for The PLAIN TRUTH, soon to come out
Desperately we tried to keep up--but we couldn't. We began
falling behind--at first a few days, then a week, finally we got
nearly four weeks behind, with thousands and thousands of requests
piled up on us! Then we ran out of booklets. We can only print
2,000 or 3,000 copies on the mimeograph. But requests were coming
in in too large quantities to be supplied by our mimeograph. In
desperation I turned to the printers to PRINT these articles in
booklet form. But there we ran into delays. We had to wait for
paper. The printers were short of help. Other orders were piled
up on them ahead of ours--we had to wait!
Now in addition to all this, the ordeal of preparing a whole
half-hour broadcast and delivering it EVERY NIGHT, and of trying
to answer the avalanche of letters--often long ones--asking for
personal help, and requiring a personal answer from me, imposed
upon me such a heavy burden of overwork, taking hours away from
sleep, that I was simply unable to complete the writing of the
articles for The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. And The PLAIN TRUTH is
just now, after this long, long delay, going to the printers. It
is HALF set in type already, and the balance now ready for the
printers. They now promise to start delivering printed copies
for mailing in ONE WEEK.
Co-Workers, I'm sorry--we've been doing OUR VERY BEST--and we
have sent out tens and tens of thousands of booklets and pieces of
literature--we've worked almost night and day to catch up. We had
to even change our office system. And NOW, I'm happy to say, WE
ARE RAPIDLY CATCHING UP, and within another two or three weeks we
hope to be mailing out the literature requested the very day the
letter arrives. And The PLAIN TRUTH is ready, and we are now
organized so it can KEEP COMING OUT REGULARLY! I know you'll
REJOICE with us in that good news!
But--and here's the vital, serious EMERGENCY!--for the past two
or three weeks many of our Co-Workers are with-holding their tithes
and offerings because, as I suppose, some of the literature
requested has not yet arrived. This has brought this great work
face to face with a critical, MOST serious situation! The VERY
Believe me, dear Co-Workers, when I tell you we are doing our
very utmost to get to your requests and send the literature out.
Soon we shall be caught up. We are now gaining, in spite of the
tremendous mail still coming in. Literature has been going out of
our office by the mail-bag full.
But in the meantime, PLEASE, understand the situation--REJOICE
with us in a vast nightly radio audience reaching now FIVE MILLION
PRECIOUS SOULS every week--one of the largest audiences listening
to ANY radio program in America! And I am forced to rush to you
this URGENT EMERGENCY APPEAL, and to ask you to STAND BY ME thru
this present crisis. Please do not withhold your tithes and very
generous offerings until The PLAIN TRUTH arrives. We'll get it to