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Today it has become imperative to question -- and ANSWER: "What
is right? What is BEST for the individual? Are the new freedoms
beneficial? What is lacking?" I feel very seriously that this
new revised edition is a tragic NEED -- necessary reading for all
our subscribers -- especially those who did not receive the first
It is now published, ready for mailing, under the NEW TITLE:
This book gives frank answers to questions you may have been
too embarrassed to ask.
You'll find it truly a surprising, eye-opening book. It
brings you the necessary knowledge heretofore unpublished. It is
concerned with what is BEST for the human individual. You
seriously need YOUR copy which I have set aside for you -- to be
sent gratis -- no cost to you. I'm sure you know we have NOTHING
TO SELL -- never any sales follow-up!
It's true, of course, that even though we do have our own
printing plants, it is a REALLY HUGE UNDERTAKING to produce the
NEARLY HALF MILLION COPIES of this revised edition of so large
a book. It's frankly something we cannot afford often to do. In
fact, we are finding it necessary to use a lower cost (but still
good grade) of paper than in the 1964 edition. But I feel that
the NEED is so tragically URGENT to get this vital missing
knowledge to you that we must make whatever sacrifice is necessary
to produce and send it.
I think I should mention in this letter candidly that,
literally, THOUSANDS have written me that they really wanted to
help in this great Work financially, but they believed --
mistakenly -- that we REFUSE to accept contributions. I have tried
to be SO CAREFUL never to make any request for contributions, in
these semi-annual letters to subscribers, that it may have led to
that misunderstanding. Let me make it clear: We never solicit the
public for financial help. We have nothing to sell. And I suppose
many have concluded we refuse contributions BECAUSE they sent us
money TO PAY FOR literature. And if you say the money is TO PAY
FOR requested literature, we do return your money! But when one
voluntarily sends contributions, we do, GRATEFULLY, accept them.
And they are income tax deductible. This worldwide Work of GIVING,
in fact, is financed SOLELY by those who, voluntarily, have become
Co-Workers with us through tithes and freewill offerings. But
PLEASE, do not let this simple and forthright EXPLANATION cause you
to feel obligated, or that you should not request YOUR copy of this
important book without a contribution. It IS sent GRATIS!
This book -- "THE MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX" -- was a
collaboration of five members of the Graduate School at Ambassador
College, each having a Ph.D. or a Th.D., an M.D., and myself. Let
me add, I feel this book ought to be read by every teen-ager.
However, we do not want to offend any parents who might feel they
do not want this wholesome and authentic TRUE knowledge on this
subject to come into the hands of their children. Therefore we
feel it necessary to require the written approval and consent of