of our booklets into Hebrew. Think what a great milestone in the
Work this is!
It's hard to realize how this Work -- in which you and I are
privileged to be Co-Workers -- has grown to such worldwide POWER
and SCOPE! It is exerting tremendous IMPACT on more than 150
MILLION PEOPLE around the world. That is about every TWENTIETH
person on earth!
The PLAIN TRUTH and TOMORROW'S WORLD have become mass-
circulated magazines -- now among the world's largest. The PLAIN
TRUTH, especially, is gaining worldwide recognition and prestige as
a high quality authoritative magazine -- even in top circles of
government and education in countries all over the earth.
For example, our readership in India alone is more than a
quarter million -- and among the educated classes. In Australia,
another quarter million! In the Philippines, 260,000! In New
Zealand -- a small population country -- 50,000. That many people,
in one place, would make a fair sized CITY! THINK OF IT! In
Malaysia and Singapore over in the Far East near the equator, a
readership of 156,000 people! Miscellaneous others in the Far
East, 23,000. This makes NEARLY A MILLION PEOPLE in India, the
Far East, Southeast Asia, and Australia and New Zealand! Perhaps
this will help you to better understand WHY heads of governments
over in that part of the world want to take time to tell me of
their problems, and to exchange views. Their people read what I
I think perhaps MOST of those who are Co-Workers IN THIS WORK
have never fully realized HOW MANY people all over the world are
Let me give you further facts. Holland is a comparatively
small country. Yet the Dutch-language edition of The PLAIN TRUTH,
circulating mostly in Holland, is now being read by approximately
52,500 people! The German edition, circulating mostly in Germany,
northern Switzerland and Austria, has a readership of approximately
180;000! The Spanish edition, circulating primarily in Mexico,
Central and South America, is read by 234,000 -- nearly a quarter
million people! The French-language edition in France and western
Switzerland -- 114,000; in eastern Canada 63,000; and in the
Caribbean Islands 18,000.
Now look at the circulations of the English-language edition
in still other countries around the world. In Britain, our
readership is 456,000 -- nearly half a million Briton!' In
Scandinavian, other European, and North African countries, 84,000.
In the British West Indies, 78,000. In islands out in the Pacific
-- such as Guam, Wake, Okinawa -- 30,000. In Canada, not counting
the eastern Canada French edition circulation, 500,000 -- A HALF
Now look at the United States. The PLAIN TRUTH has a
readership of 4 to 5 MILLION people, and TOMORROW'S WORLD 1 1/2 to