avalanche of sex literature began to flood book stores, magazine
and newspaper stands, giving instruction in the physical details of
With that vital dimension missing, the instruction being
hurled at people was doing serious harm. The door to
permissiveness, promiscuity and fast-increasing immorality was
opened. Psychiatrists, some medical doctors, and certain modernist
Protestant ministers cloaked the increasing sexual "freedom" with
a pseudo connotation of respect, under the catch-phrase "The New
Morality." But this immoral "New Morality" failed to solve, but
only worsened the problem. The new moral revolution was like
jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
The all-important MISSING DIMENSION in knowledge in the area
of sex and marriage remained unpublished until our book came out in
1964. But since then the moral revolution has surged ahead at
accelerated pace. The whole moral climate has CHANGED GREATLY since
the 1964 edition. We feel that the time has come When a REVISED
EDITION of our book is a very serious NEED -- NECESSARY READING for
all our subscribers -- especially all who did not receive the first
For the past few months I have been working on the new revised
edition. It is coming out under the NEW TITLE:
The most tragically needed dimension in knowledge about sex
and marriage has been MISSING -- heretofore unpublished. This book
gives frank answers to questions you may have been too embarrassed
to ask. Especially if you did not receive the first edition of
this book, you'll find it truly a surprising, eye-opening book. No
matter how many books or articles you may have read on this
delicate subject, I say candidly you need YOUR copy which I am
setting aside and reserving for you -- to be sent gratis -- no cost
to you. And I'm sure you know we have NOTHING to sell -- never any
follow-up to sell you something.
This book WAS a collaboration of the following faculty members
of Ambassador College: Charles V. Dorothy, Ph.D., Herman L. Hoeh,
Ph.D., Ernest L. Martin, Ph.D. (then M.A.), Roderick C. Meredith,
Th.D., Benjamin J.. Rea, Ph.D., Ralph E. Merrill, M.D., and myself.
In the revised edition, I have written the first three chapters,
and made certain deletions and editing of the rest, but essentially
it is the same book, brought up to date.
It's true, of course, that even though we do have our own
printing plants, it is a really huge undertaking for us to produce
an estimated half-to-three-quarters of a million copies of so large
a book. It's something we can not often afford to do. In fact, we
are having to use a lower-cost but still a reasonably good grade
of paper than in the 1964 edition -- and we have found it
necessary, because of cost, to reduce the size by omitting the